Chapter 16

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"What's wrong with you? You've been pouting the whole time?" Ally asks as she starts eating her food

I didn't want to go out today, all I wanted to do is wrap myself in a blanket and stay home

"I'm just a bit tired" I try to smile

"What's wrong with you? You've changed a lot it's like someone had sucked the life out of you, you used to be fun to be around and now you're just quiet and depressed all the time" she looks worried, I didn't want anyone to worry about me,

"I'm fine really" I assure her

I'm not fine, I was feeling like I've just been through a breakup, I hate the fact that I have feelings for him I tried to fight those feelings, I don't know why I felt the need fight them,

It's been only 5 days now but I feel worse more and more each day the pain isn't going away

And Ethan I've been ignoring him the whole time, my relationship with him was pointless from the start and it wasn't going anywhere, I know he cheated on me but I had nothing to say about it, because the truth is I did too, so maybe saying nothing is better, at least right now, I can't worry about more things,

"And Dylan didn't even show up, you two are having some serious issues here what's the deal with you two? " I look at her as soon as I hear his name, I didn't even realize she have been talking the whole time

"Dylan what?" I asked

"Oh so now you're listening" she rolls her eyes

"I said Dylan didn't show up to the party yesterday which is a first, he became so boring now, I went to their place last night and I swear he didn't leave his room the whole time he only went out once to grab food, Nate is saying He have been acting weird"

He wasn't fine too, a part of me felt happy that he was feeling that way but the bigger part in me was worried about him,

He didn't make an effort to talk to me after that day I tried calling him twice but he ignored my calls

"Audrey" Ally calls I look at her and she looks mad

"Didn't you just hear your phone ringing?" She asks

I shook my head I didn't hear it ring

"It was Ethan I answered because you weren't going to, anyways I told him where we were he said he's coming now" she calmly say as she continue eating

"You what?" I was beyond pissed, but then again she didn't know what's going on between us

"I'm leaving" I grabbed my bag to leave

"Audrey what's wrong?" She asks

"I'm sorry, I thought you guys were good aren't you? you don't tell me anything anymore, I didn't know you would mind if I answer your phone" she apologetically say

"It's fine I'm leaving now" I say

"Audrey stay here and talk to me" She say

I sat down again because from the look on her face it didn't look like she'll be leaving me alone without telling her everything

"Fine" I roll my eyes as I sit down again

"So Ethan kinda cheated on me I think" she opens her mouth in shock

"And I kinda did too" I quickly continue

"You what?" She say with the same shocked tone

"Ally" I say her name as I cover my face embarrassed by her reaction

"Wait with who?" She asks

"A random guy" I lie, I wasn't ready to tell her yet,

"Let's go" she say as she grabs her bag

"Where?" I ask confused

"He's coming here if you're not ready to talk to him we better leave now"

I don't know if I'm ready or if I'm not I just want to get it over with

"No it's fine we need to talk" I say and she sits down

Minutes later Ethan walks in with a smile on his face

"Hello gorgeous" he says as he plant a kiss on my check which caught me of guard

"Hello Ethan" Ally says as she stand and grabs her bag

"Hey Ally" Ethan say as he give her a friendly hug

"Anyways I gotta go" she quickly say and she leaves

"I missed you" Ethan say as soon as he sit down

I didn't know what to say I didn't miss him I was partially annoyed from him

"Ethan I don't know how to say this" I didn't want to let this get longer than this, but I didn't want to hurt him

"Say what" he asks as he hold my hands, I pulled my hands off his grip,

"I'm sorry but I think we shouldn't be together" I say

"Baby why would you say this" he looks shocked like he wasn't expecting to hear this,

"Did I do anything wrong?" He asks and he really looks clueless

"We both did, but that doesn't matter" he looks dejected, which made me feel a bit bad for doing

"I'm sorry Ethan, have a good day" I say as I get up to leave, I looked at him one more time he looks sad, I feel bad, but at the same time I feel free

He didn't ask me even once about kissing someone else which is so weird, I didn't want to think about this anymore, it's all over

But I have one more thing left to do

Minutes later I found myself standing in front of his door, I was too scared to ring the door's bell, what would he say, I was pacing around his door when the door was suddenly opened

"Audrey?" Nate says in confusion in his eyes

I looked at the person standing behind him in the living room, I missed everything about him

"Have you seen my keys" he says asking Nate as he looks for it in the living room I didn't think about my next move twice I walked past Nate

I stood in front of Dylan he looks surprised to see me but I didn't give him a chance to speak, as I wrap my arms on his neck, connecting my lips to his, he was taken by shook at first but slowly gave in,

And for the first time in ages it didn't feel wrong it felt perfectly right.

"Oh wow" Nate says, but we both ignore him, nothing felt more right, and right now nothing mattered to me other than the person standing in front of me, I never knew how strong my feelings for him until he finally stopped talking to me
"I missed you" I say as soon our lips parted to breathe
"I missed you" he says as he cup my face with his hands and his kisses me again

"Don't do it again," I say looking at his beautiful eyes,

"Do what?" he asks with a smile on his face, a smile that I've grown to love

"Don't leave me," I say and I mean it, those past days were so hard for me I don't want to go through that again

"I won't," he says as he kisses the top of my nose which makes me giggle

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