Chapter 11

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I went back to the living room with my heart beating so hard, I don't want to think about anything I just wanna go back home and sleep

I saw Ethan but he looked so caught up in the conversation he didn't even notice that I left my place from the start,

I went out, and I sat outside their apartment on the stairs, I wanted to be left alone, I could hear my heart beats, they're louder than the music in there,

What's wrong with me

I won't be an idiot, I hate him, I had to remind myself that

But the thing is, I don't think what I'm feeling toward him is hate, it's something else and I'm too scared to figure our what it is, but he's lying to me, he must be, all he did all this time is annoy me, he never proved nor showed that he has any sort of feelings toward me.

He used me, I reminded myself because if I didn't keep saying that I might just forget it and drawn,

but the truth is he didn't use me, because he never promised me anything but I can't think this way, because if I did I might not be able to handle what comes next

I'm too scared to let myself free

Damn it Dylan

How can a person be so mean yet so gentle, so annoying yet so mesmerizing,

So beautiful yet so tough

"What are you doing here?" I heard the same voice I'm trying to forget, he didn't sound mad, he sounded worried maybe?

"I'm trying to get away from you" I told him the truth

"Why do you want that?" He asked as he joined me and he sat next to me

"You didn't want me there anyways" I said not looking toward him as I rested my head in top of my head

"I didn't want to see you there with him" he said in low tone, he was calmer than he was about 15 minutes ago

"Why does it matter so much who am I with?" I asked him I'm tired of fighting and playing this game with him

He remained quiet I looked at him waiting for him to say something but he didn't he kept looking straight, I stood up and I starting walking toward the road with no distention in mind I just wanted to walk and walk it was really dark outside and it was getting colder, by the second I didn't have a jacket, I folded my arms over my chest and I kept walking

"Audrey" I heard his husky voice calling me but I ignored him and I kept walking faster, I reached an even darker street, I was a bit terrified but if I stopped now he might reach me, I didn't want to look back but I think I lost him

I was feeling tired I needed to sit, I don't know how much time have past, but I've been walking with those heels for a very long time

I saw couple of people talking in a dark Alley, I got scared, where did I get myself into, I don't even know how I got here

I think they heard my footsteps because they all turned toward me but it was too dark where I'm standing for them to figure out who it is,

"Who is it?" A scary voice shouted

I felt paralyzed and scared

I suddenly felt someone closing my mouth with their hand and dragging me backward I tried to fight it but the persons grip was too tight, the person kept dragging me till we reached a corner where no one can see us and the person stoppen walking

Oh my god what's going to happen to me

"Are you crazy" Dylan shouted in low tone

"You asshole" I said as I pushed him

"You scared me" I said as I removed my heels, I'm tired from walking with them

"You scared the shit out of me, I thought I lost you" he said as he balanced his body on the wall behind him

"Why were you following me?" I asked

"Because I was damn sure you didn't even know your way around here, it's not fucking safe to walk around by yourself at this time of the day" he looked angry

"Ok dad" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes

"I'm serious Audrey" he said and I could see the flames in his eyes

"Whatever" I was about to walk away again

"Where are you going" he said as he pushed me back holding my arms tightly

"Home" I said looking at him in the eyes

"You're going the opposite way" he said with a smile about to form on his face

I looked around and I think he was right I was about to walk but his hands were still holding my arms

"Let go" I said looking at his tight grip

"Come I'll take you home" he said as he placed the jacket he was wearing on top of my shoulders and he wrapped his arms around me guiding me back to my place

I didn't protest I was freezing, and I didn't feel as scared anymore even though the streets were empty and dark

"If we walked to your place it would take us about 20 minutes" he said

"Let's walk then" I said enjoying his warmth

I didn't want to enjoy it but I did, I wanted to hate him so much but I couldn't

"How's Natalie?" I asked if thats even her name but I remember Ally mentioning her couple of times

"Natalie?" he asked confused

"Yeah, the girl you're with" I said feeling a lump in my throat

"The girl I'm with last time I checked her name was Audrey" he jokingly said

I glared at him

"You know what I mean" I said

he chuckled

"Where do you get your informations from?" he asked

"I saw you kissing her" I said trying to avoid any eye contact with him, and the lump in my throat is growing

"You don't get it do you?" he said as he held my shoulders forcing me look at him

"Get what?"

he unexpectedly garbed me closer to him and he kissed me

I quickly gave in and I wrapped my arms around him for support and he got even closer to deepen the kiss

he suddenly stopped and he left me breathless

"That" he said looking at me in the eyes, he sounded sincere like he meant what he just said

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