Chapter 5

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I woke up with same pain in my stomach, I tried remembering what I had last night but I don't even remember eating anything bad

I went to the bathroom to change and I was welcomed by my friend

Oh no wonder that explains the pain I haven't even thought about it

I changed and I got into comfier cloths I made some hot chocolate and I laid in bed

I'm planning on spending the whole day at home

I checked my phone and I got three messages from dick head I deleted them without opening them and the last text was from Ally telling me about another party I texted her back telling her I won't be going

Everyday a new party don't they get enough?

I laid in bed flickering through the channels I watched couple of not really sad movies but I cried during them all

I'm so emotional today damn it

I tried to brush my tears off before starting the third movie

The day went by fast and before 10 pm I was already asleep

The next day I wanted to spend it just like I did yesterday I was still tired but I promised Ally I'll meet her for breakfast I dragged myself out of bed although all I wanted to do is curl in bed and watch sad movies

I changed into jeans and shirt I pulled my hair up to a ponytail and I went out to meet her

The place was quiet and nice

I sat on a table waiting for her to come join me

Couple minutes later she arrived

"Hey girl" she excitedly said as soon as she saw me and I stood up to hug her

"You missed a lot yesterday the party was really good" she clapped her hands together in exaggeration

"Oh yeah?" I said trying to act interested

"Yeah omg remember that girl the blonde with short hair? Natalie? She was all over Dylan yesterday I think he's her new target so her ex boyfriend got so mad he tried to start a scene and Dylan got so mad he punched him" she giggled

I felt a weird feeling when she said that and a tear tried to escape my eyes but I tried my best to push it back

Why am I getting effected by this he can do the fuck he wants

It has nothing to do with me

But he had the dignity to text me after it? dick

not that we're together and not that we will ever be because I won't be with him even if he was the last man on the planet

why am I even thinking about him

"Audrey? Are you even listening to me?" She asked

"Yes yes I am" I lied I don't even know what she've been saying the last 5 minutes

"Anyways he kissed her at the end of the party" she continued talking

"Kissed who?" The hell Audrey why do you care he's a man whore and I don't care not that I cared about him before but he can't just go around kissing me whenever he want the hell wrong with me, I don't care I reminded myself

"Natalie!" She said

I nodded

I had a weird feeling there in my stomach hurt, like that feeling you get when something bad happened

I tried forcing myself to eat but I wasn't even hungry I lost my appetite

Ally talked about random things and I just sat in front of her trying to listen but my mind keeps dozing off

I went straight home after breakfast I was already tired

I laid back in bed after changing into a comfy short and a baggy tshirt

I watched the notebook

And I cried almost during the whole movie it's just so sad I couldn't help but to cry

I head a knock on the door

I ignored it maybe she'll leave if she thought I'm asleep I was in no state of mind to talk to anyone I was drawn in tears why did I watch this movie gosh

The door opened

"Amy I'm tired" I said so she can leave

"That's why you've been ignoring my texts" I heard a manly voice my eyes shifted to the source and I tried to hide my face under the blanket he cant see me cry

and what is he doing here anyways gosh

"Get out" I yelled

"Why are you ignoring my texts? No one ignores my texts" he sounded pissed

"Get the fuck out" I yelled again

"No one tells me what to do" he said as he came closer and threw the blanket I was hiding under at the other corner of the room

"What do you want" I screamed

"Are you crying?" He asked as he got closer to bed

as if he'll care if I was

"Oh no it's just raining over here" I sarcastically said trying to stop crying

Blame the hormones

"What's wrong?" He came closer as he held my face with his hands trying to force me to look at him

"Can you just leave and how the hell did you even get here?" I stubbornly pushed his hands away

"Why are you crying?" He asked for a second it sounded like he cared but I had to remind myself that he's a jerk he's just asking out of curiosity

"Why are you here?" I answered his question with another question

"Answer me" he demanded

"Fuck off" I got out of bed to get my crying blanket back

Yes I have a special blanket for that time of the month

"Can you just make my day less miserable and leave" I yelled pointing at the door for him to leave

I'm so emotional today

He looked pissed he gave me death glare that made my body shiver but I stood still trying to gather all the strength in me to not show him how scared I am

He's just unpredictable, and scary there I said it I act strong in front of him but he intimidate me

He walked out of the room without saying another word

I sat down on the floor trying to stop my heart from beating so hard

Why did he even come here, didn't he get enough from that blonde whore last night

"No one ignores my texts" I mockingly repeated what he said

who does he think he is. Jerk

I hate him

Not that long I know but consider it as a filler chapter

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