Chapter 14

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"Audrey I was about to call you just now" Ethan calmly said

"Ethan" I said again surprised by the first thing he had to say

"Yea?" He said

"Ethan where the hell where you?" I asked

"I had couple things to do" he replied cooly

"Things like what?" Dylan suspiciously said while glaring at him

Ethan looked lost for words why isn't he slightly mad, didn't he just see me kissing Dylan?!

"It's non of your business" he looked terrified for some reason he was trying to not look at Dylan straight in the eyes

"Come on Audrey lets go in" Ethan said as he offered his hands for me to take

What the hell is wrong with him did he just ignore the fact that I was kissing Dylan?

"Ethan?" I looked at him confused and he pulled my hands walking me back to the house

I looked at Dylan confused and he had the same expression on his face

"Ethan is there anything you wanna to talk to me about?" I asked him as we got in

"No" he shrugged as he grabbed two drinks and he handed me one

I tried to ignore the fact that he just moved on a recovered quickly I didn't even apologize

What is going on

"How did you know I was already here?" I asked

"I saw your text" he replied

"So you did see all the texts and the missed calls I left but you decided not to reply" I looked at him waiting for his answer

"I was driving" he said as he sat down on a chair and I did the same

I decided to let it go for now, I don't even know what's going on, but sooner or later I'll will eventually know

He held his phone and he kept texting ignoring my presence

"Ethan is everything alright?" He had a weird face expression on his face and he's acting differently it's like he's a totally different person

"Yes" he forced a smile on his face and he went back to texting

I wouldn't say it was an awkward silence because the music is too loud, but it was still awkward

"I'm leaving do you need a ride back home?" Dylan asked as he stood in front of me

I looked at Ethan waiting for him to say anything

"Yah cool you can go I need to take this" he pointed at his phone as he pressed the green button and walked away

I kept looking toward his direction until he disappeared between the crowd

Dylan pulled my hands as he guided me outside

I didn't say a word I was shocked by the way Ethan was acting

Dylan opened the passenger door for me and I sat down without saying a word what's wrong with Ethan?! I know no man in his right mind will act this way after seeing the girl he's with kissing another guy

"What the hell" I said shocked more to myself

"He's hiding something" Dylan said as he looked at me waiting for my reaction

"What makes you say that?" I asked

It didn't cross mind

"Why will he be ok with you kissing another dude if he wasn't hiding something himself" Dylan said

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