Chapter 10

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I feel generous today so here you guys go, second update of the day

We went back to the living room area it was crowded Ally was dancing with Zach and Ethan and I were just standing looking at the people dancing we basically looked like creeps

It's been more than an hour and I haven't seen Dylan I don't even know how he suddenly disappeared, I don't care anyways.

Someone was waving at Ethan I think they're his friends and he looked at me asking me if I'll be alright standing here by myself

"I'll be fine go" I nodded as I smiled

The place was getting crowder by the second, I need to use the bathroom I've been holding myself for the past hour now I saw Nate and I walked toward him

"Ah Nate I need to use the toilet" I tapped on his shoulders trying to get his attention

"Sure, don't use mine tho, use Dylan's mines filled with vomit on the floor everywhere"

"Oh never mind then" I rolled my eyes

"He's not there he left couple hours ago I guess he said he was going out" he screamed through the loud music

I nodded and I made my way to Dylan's room I would've waited till we got back home but my ovaries would explode any second if I didn't use the bathroom like now

The apartment wasn't that big, the people who are here are more than what this place got take, it was truly a mission to get through the crowd

I reached his door and I opened it without knocking since he isn't even there

The room was quiet unlike what's happening out there I closed the door behind me

"What are you doing here?" Dylan asked as he removed his headphones

I jumped in my place

"You scared me" I screamed as I placed my hand on my heart tying to calm my racing heart

He was laying on bed shirtless

his face was blank it held no emotions

"I thought no ones here" I said answering his question

"And that made you want to come here?" He asked confused while raising one eyebrow

"No I wanted to use the bathroom" I pointed at the bathrooms door

"Then use it" he looked pissed all of the sudden

I couldn't even look him straight in the eyes,

I ignored him and I went the bathroom

I washed my hands and I took my time in, I was kind of scared to face him again he intimidate every cell in my body, I wish I have more self control over myself

I unlocked the door and I got out,

Dylan was still laying in the same position, I don't know if I'm imagining this but he looks a bit sad

"Why are you in here anyways there is a party going on in your living room" I said walking closer to his bed

Why do I even care?! God. But I couldn't help but ask he looks different

"I don't feel like partying" he said as he placed his laptop on bed and he removed his headphones and placed them on top of the laptop

"That's a first, why don't you feel like partying?" I said surprised

"Because you're there" he said almost screaming as he brushed his hands through his hair

"I'm sorry I didn't know you hated seeing me that much I'll be leaving right away don't worry " I said shocked by his answer, what did I even do to make him despite me this much?!

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