Chapter 7

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I heard a movement in my room I was too lazy to open my eyes to see who it was.

"Get out and close the door behind you." I sleepily said.

"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you up?" Amy said.

"Yes." I said burying my face between two pillows.

"I'm sorry." she said, as her steps got closer to the bed

"This one or that one what" she continued talking.

"Amy not now." I whined .

"Please just look." she begged I struggled to open my eyes I sat down and I realized the one eye wasn't opening or maybe its open.

I screamed Amy screamed took

"What is it ? You scared me." she yelled.

"My eyes I cant see from this one." I explained my heart was beating so fast.

"You idiot because its covered." she pointed at it.

"Oh." I touched it as I remembered.

"So which one is it." she held the two dresses up for me to see.

"The white one." I pointed at it.

"Its yours." she said.

"I know." I replied as I lied back in bed trying to sleep again, but my was etching but I couldn't do anything about it since its covered, I tried not to think about it, finally after so many failed attempts to sleep my eyes finally gave up and I drifted to sleep.


Two days later.

Those past couple of day, I didn't do one thing productive in them. I stayed at home watching endless amount of TV shows.

I went to the doctor first the in the morning to take the badge off my eyes, my eyes was still little bit red but he said the redness will go away by tomorrow and my vision was little bit blurry but he said that was normal too since it was covered for two days.

I drove back home and when I got there Lauren was there too

"Audrey I haven't seen you in like ages" Lauren said as she walked toward me and she hugged me

"Yeah" I agreed with her I can't remember the last time I saw her

"You're coming today right?" she asked

"Coming where?" I asked

"To the party at my place today" she answered

"Oh I don't think so I'm sorry" my eyes were still red and my left vision was still blurry but I didn't want to tell her that

"Why not" Amy asked

I didn't know what to say

"Your eye's red" Lauren said pointing at my left eye

"I know" I didn't know what to else to say

"What's wrong?" she asked

"Oh its nothing, you know what I might come to the party" I said trying to change the subject

"That's great" she clapped her hands together in excitement

I quickly excused myself and went back to my room my eyes weren't getting better not that I'm complaining but my vision in the left eyes is getting worse, maybe its because the eye drops I heard some of them have this effect afterward

Having it covered was much better than having 100% on one eye and 5% on the other

I laid in bed and I closed my eyes, I haven't thought about him since the last time I saw him and I didn't want to go there, I hate myself for giving him want he wanted so easily, I didn't want to regret it because eventually I would loose it and I wasn't saving it for someone special because lets all be honest here I know no guy can handle me he even said it himself, but I should've said something I should've stopped it.

He's a jerk a fucking hot one, I loose my strength in his presence, and I hate myself for that, he haven't called nor texted since he left the other day, not that he should've have. I hate him and I hate myself even more

A tear escaped my eyes and I harshly wiped it as I sat down flickering through the channels to find something to watch to take my mind off things

The time passed by quickly around 6 Amy came to my room and she opened the door without knocking it

"Can you help me with my hair please?" she asked

I nodded as I followed her to her room and I curled her hair for her

"I'll help you with yours once you're done with mine" she offered

"No its fine I wont do anything with it" I had a natural soft wavy hair that reaches a little bit under my shoulders and I was fine with leaving it open

"No I will straighten your hair it will look good" I was too lazily to fight her back so I just nodded in agreement

She straightened my hair and I actually liked the results, I haven't straightened it in a very long time and it looked nice

I left it open and I went back to my room to apply makeup on

It was a suffer for me to apply an eyeliner so after so many failed attempts to apply I gave up

Amy walked in to my room

"You haven't finished yet hurry up we're late," she said looking at the time in her phone

It was 8 already we are in fact late

"How's your eyes btw?" she asked as she walked closer to me to see them

"They're fine" I hate to whining and complaining about the little things

"They're still red," she pointed out the obvious

"I know," I said as I looked away trying to finish zipping my black dress it was knee length and it was a perfect fit to my body

"You haven't applied any makeup on" she said

I didn't know what to say so she just grabbed my hands and forced me to sit down

She started applying makeup on my face and I didn't bother to complain

When she was finally done she looked pleased with the outcome of her work

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and once again I was impressed I looked different

"What do you think?" she excitedly asked

"I look different, good different" I smiled at my reflection

She applied a heavy eye shadow and she contoured my face it didn't look too much it looked just perfect

"Thank you" I smilingly thanked her

"You're welcome," she said

We went together to the party and Amy was driving, we reached the place in about 20 minutes it was almost 10 when we reached there

"We're late Lauren will probably get pissed" Amy said as we walked in to the house

I just nodded looking at the number of cars parked outside it was a huge a party so many people were there

We got in the house and it was even more filled with people hopefully I wont see Dylan that's if he was even here, I wasn't ready to face him at least not yet

Amy left me to go find Lauren and I texted Ally she already told she'd be here

I walked between the large crowd trying to find a peaceful and quiet place to sit down and using one eye can get tiring and I feel it affecting the sight in my right eye hopefully it would be fine by tomorrow

I found a back door that take me outside I opened it as I dialed Ally's number since she wasn't replying to my text

I looked up and I noticed two people kissing I immediately looked away,

I looked back again because the person I just saw can't be whom I'm thinking about

"Dylan?" his name escaped my lips before my minds was able to process what my eyes just saw

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