Chapter 4

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"Are you okay?" Amy asked still lying in the same position.

I nodded still frozen in my place adjusting what happened.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." She said.

I snapped out of my zone and I quickly gathered myself and I started walking back to my room.

"I'm fine." I murmured.

I don't know how long I've been laying here on bed when my rooms door suddenly opened revealing no one other than my best friend.

"Can't you knock at least." I said as I fixed my position.

"I did." she shrugged as she came and she sat on bed.

"I've called you like over thousand times why weren't you picking up?" she asked.

I grabbed my phone I totally forgot to check it.

"I'm sorry it was on silent." I raised the screen for her to see.

"Who's "love" ?" she said pointing at my screen

"Ha?" I asked her not sure what she's talking about it.

"You got a text from love." she explained.

"Who is it?" She asked.

I turned my phone immediately to check.

*You're welcome.*

Oh god. it's him.

"Audrey who is it?" She asked again.

"It's my friend back from high school I saw her couple days we exchanged numbers and she saved her number under love." I lied.

I don't even know how I came up with this lie but thank god she believed it as she moved on talking about other things. I felt bad about lying, but I was too ashamed to tell her who it really is.

I was thinking about the way he kissed me, the way he gently grabs me, the way he smiled before kissing me,  I've never been kissed this way. But I hate that it Dylan, but why is he doing this?

"Anyways, there is a party after tomorrow and you're coming." Ally said

I nodded.

"Where is it at?" I asked her.

"At Lauren's friend house she asked me to invite you and I already told them you're coming."

We talked about random stuff until it was time to sleep Ally excused herself and went back home and I drifted to sleep a while after.


I didn't have plans for this day so I decided on spending it on bed and watch some Netflix.

The day passed by so fast.

The next morning I woke up late around 11 in the morning I went out with Ally to go shopping.

"You know I'm actually excited for this party." Ally said as she looked through the dresses in the shop.

"Why what's so special about it?" I asked.

They're all the same to me honestly.

"Zach kind of asked me out." she said as she blushed.

"No way! Is he coming today?" I asked her I know she likes,  he's all she have been talking about lately.

"Obviously, that's why I'm excited." she clapped her hands together in excitement.


We went back home and Ally said she's picking me up in about two hours since I don't know where the party is going to be at.

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