The end and the beginning

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Author's note.

I started this story around 4 years ago, to be honest I didn't know what to do with it, I just had some free time in my hand, and I kept writing and writing.

I started this story back when I was a teen, and I'm not the same person I was and I want to edit the whole thing but somehow at the same time I don't. I feel it perhaps portrays my 19 year old mind. 

I didn't expect such short story would take that much time to write, but getting a writer's block is the worst thing ever, I had my ideas in my head, but as I write I never feel satisfied with the results.

I don't know if you guys would like to see a glimpse of their future together, or if I need to write it, I know some might not like the ending and some will argue that she should've let her guards up, but honestly whats the point?

whats the point of that if either ways its gonna result in her getting hurt at least she can say that she tried, that she wasn't the one who let go, that she cared enough to try to make it work, not only for herself but for her son who's in the picture now. 

honestly I believe I could've written more chapters and filled the story more, but I do feel that their love was felt, and that is what I tried to achieve. I feel like I have felt it, and at some point I envied her, I wanted my own Dylan too.

Anyways, if you guys have anything in mind, comment, or a suggestion for future reference, just let me know.

I don't know if I'm going to continue writing here, but you never know.

Thank you all for reading this, and for being patient with me.

Love you all, 


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