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I could see it from the horizon, sparkling with the sun rise. Finally, there it was. What we've been looking for. The thing that would lead me to my sister. But then it hit me, how are we supposed to get to the ship. If we swam we would definently die. It was suicide. The dock was filled with boats. Maybe we could just.....borrow one.
"I have to the keys to my uncles motor boat, it should be over there." Margo whispered.
No one replied, just nodding and sneaking closer to the boats.
I slid my fingers across it, it was smooth.
"Get in." Jamie says.
We all sprung our selves up, after Margo untied the boat. He put the keys into ignition.
"You do know how to do this, right?" I was uncertain.
"Yes, I think. My uncle used to take me for rides, I remember how he did it."

The air caressed my face and arms. My hair flew wildly behind me. We'd been speeding for about an hour now. Finally the boat came to a stop, or more like a slow purr moving slowly. I finally laid down, exhausted. Jamie pulled out a map, and a tracker.
"We have 70 miles to go. We're pretty close, closer than we thought." Jamie said.

It was sunrise when I woke. I watched as the sky welcomed the bright sun. But there was something blocking it, and something big. No, HUGE. Could it be the ship? We were so far away, how long was I asleep?
"There it is." Margo whispered.

Pretty soon we were right by it. Jamie threw up a rope, slinging it to the ship. I was shaking crazy. Why am I so nervous? Once we got our stuff, one by one we scutteled up the ladder. I pulled out my shot gun, just to be safe. Once we got up, I saw flickering lights. It was a bonfire, surely A lot of people were there.
"Jack?" Some one whispered.
It was Jessica!
I spun around and saw her in the shadows. I ran over to her, not thinking at all. Then I realized Jamie and Margo both had their aim pointed at Jessica.
"What happened to you?" She whispered, full of emotion.
"But I don't want to know, just go." She spat.
"Jessica I-"
"GO!" She yelled, forcing the guns out of our hands.
She picked one up and pointed it at me!
"No, I'm done. You betrayed me. And that's not something I'm willing to take chance again" She said, clicking the gun.
I gulped, was this the end? Before she could do anything, Margo sprung forward and grabbed his gun, Aiming at Jessica. She immediately adjusted her aim to Margo. We all stared at each other, shocked. But then I heard it, the sound of a shot. When I looked around, every ones faces were shocked and glued to me. It was only then I realized, I was the one, the one who got shot.

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