Part 51

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A/N: How about a triple update? I know you want it. 🤭🤭

It's Taehyung and Jin's last day in France and they will fly back to Korea the next day. Jin is so excited as he missed his son so much.

"Binnie baby, how are you?" He said talking to him via Face Time. He's at the hotel cafe, having his breakfast.

"Soobin misses papa. Come home papa." He said that made Jin's eyes teary.

"Papa is coming home tomorrow Soobinie. I bought toys for you."

Soobin jumps shouting as soon as he heard about the toys that Jin bought for him. "Thank you papa!"

"Welcome baby. Are you a good boy with grandma?" Jin asked, Soobin's nose almost occupied the whole screen that made Jin laugh. "Don't put the phone near your face Binnie."

"Soobin is a good boy papa." Soobin said pointing to himself. "Papa?"

"Yes Binnie?"

"Who's there at your back?" Soobin points on the screen.

"What ba-" Jin looked behind him and it's Taehyung watching him. Jin dropped the phone in surprise.

"Oh shi-" He immediately stop from cursing afraid that Soobin might heard. He immediately picked up his phone but the call got cut already.

Jin sighed. How can I be so stupid? Soobin might be crying now.

"I'm sorry Jin. I didn't mean to scare you." Taehyung said as he took a seat across Jin.

"Its okay Mr. Kim. Soobin will understand." Jin smiled.

"Your son is cute huh?" Taehyung said, smiling.

"He is." That's all Seokjin can say as he is curious if Taehyung will notice that he looks like his baby.

"Do we have a relationship before Seokjin?"

Jin's eyes immediately turned from his coffee to Taehyung. He was caught off guard by the sudden question. He doesn't know how to react because he knows the answer to that question.

Taehyung laughed. "Kidding!"

Jin blushed. He didn't see that coming. "W-why did y-ou ask me that?"

Taehyung stopped from laughing. "Sorry if I disappoint you."

Jin shakes his head. "No Mr. Kim. You did not. But I'm just wondering why you ask me that."

Taehyung sighs. "Honestly, it's because your baby looks a lot like me when I was a kid. I saw how he smiled."

Jin is thinking twice if he will tell everything to Taehyung but he doubts it if he will believe him. He knows that Taehyung cannot recognize him, what more to have a son with him?

"Y-you're the father Mr. Kim." Jin said. Staring at Taehyung. Waiting for his reaction.

But Taehyung just laughed. "Wow.. thank you Jin. After more than a month of working together, I can feel that you're becoming more confident talking to me. Even telling me a joke like that."

But it's not a joke.

Jin forced a laugh. "Well Mr. Kim, we will be working again for the next two months so I think we should be comfortable by then."

"Tae!" A very very familiar voice calls from behind that made Jin froze in his seat.

Taehyung was so quick to stand up to shake the hand of the one who called him. "Kook!"

"Meet my business partner Kook. This is - "

"Jin?!" Jungkook was shocked to see Jin at the very heart of France after so many years of not seeing him.

"Hi Mr. Jeon. It's so nice to see you again after so many years. Mr. Kim and I are working for their company's advertisement and marketing project." Jin made sure to emphasize Mr. Kim making Jungkook's eyebrows to meet at the center.

"So you know each other?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes we do Mr. Kim. As I said, I used to work with your company before and I have lots of work coming from Mr. Jeon." Jin was so quick to answer. He don't want Jungkook to say something. "Mr. Kim if you may excuse me. I'll just use the wash room."

"Uh.. yes, go ahead." Taehyung smiled.

Jin went up. Jungkook on the hand pretend that someone is calling him. He grabbed his phone from his pocket. "Taehyung, i'll take this call first. Excuse me."

Jungkook dashed out of the cafe in search for Jin. He went in the toilet and he was right, Jin was there.

"Jin? Why are you calling Taehyung Mr. Kim. You should have told him." Jungkook said trying to meet Jin's gaze.

"How will I do that? He did not even recognize me." Jin said, his voice shaking. He's stopping himself from crying.

"But Jin, that's bec-"

"Stop Mr. Jeon. Let's talk about that in Korea. I want you to see something and I want you to meet someone." Jin said looking at the confused Jungkook.

"But I'll be back there in two months."

"Then better. At least the project already ended by then."

"I will tell him Jin. Come on." Jungkook sigh.

"Jungkook isn't it a bad timing? Please cut it out. I want to stay professional with Taehyung for now. Let us finish our working relationship first. Please." Jin said as if requesting Jungkook not to say anything. "Not now Jungkook. Please. I need to prove something first."

Jungkook just stared at Jin. "Okay, I'll see you in Korea. Here's my calling card. Just call or message me if in case you changed your mind and decided to tell him now."

Jin shakes his head. "Not today Mr. Jeon. But soon I will. It's just that, I don't want our work to get affected by our personal life."

Jungkook nods.

After the last day event, Jin and Taehyung are now heading on to their rooms as their flight will be early morning tomorrow.

Jin has become more and more uncomfortable with Taehyung. Jin has been noticing that Taehyung has been staring at him quite a lot. Especially when they are eating or riding an elevator. What makes him more nervous was the way Taehyung looks at his lips. He thinks his heart will explode.

Jin ready his card to tap on his bedroom hotel door when Taehyung grabbed his arm. Jin quickly turned to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung stared at Jin's eyes. "You did great Jin."

Jin cannot speak. His heart wants to jump out from his chest. "T-thank you Mr. Kim."

Taehyung pulled Jin closer to him before wrapping his left arm around Jin's waist. He leaned over. Jin's eyes widen as he hold on to Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung moved his face closer to Jin's. Jin's breathing become so heavy. Taehyung never breaks his eyecontact with Jin. Jin doing the same. "I've been thinking about you a lot Jin. A lot. I can't take you off my mind. You're driving me insane don't you know that?" Taehyung whispered.

"I.. M-Mr. Kim.. I.." Jin stared at Taehyung's lips and before he knew it, he closed his eyes to meet Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung kisses Jin's lips deeper. He grabbed on to Jin's head to intensify. His lips pressing against Jin's own. A tear fell from Jin's eyes. He longed for this.

"I miss you." Jin whispered as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck. Taehyung kissed him once more. Rough like he's so hungry for Jin's lips.

They jerked and jumped to the opposite walls when a door opened. Leaving Jin and Taehyung looking at each other and in shock. The old lady who came out from the door looking back and forth at Jin and Taehyung

Jin immediately tap his card on to his door. "Goodnight Mr. Kim." As he went inside his bedroom leaving Taehyung at the hallway. The old lady stared at Taehyung.

"Nice kissing son." The old lady smiled at the very flustered Taehyung.

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