Part 39

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Knowing that I am pregnant to Taehyung's child gave me more fears that giving me hopes. Why do I feel like I'm not secured? I don't want to lose the baby but why am I not happy about it?

I stared at my phone looking at Taehyung's number. I called this number a lot of times, but it was cut already. Being hopeless that I already am, I dialled his number again but it just disappoints me once more. I tried calling Jungkook but it seemed that he already changed his number.

I even tried calling Minyoon at home but she said she still has no news about his boss.

"Why do I keep hurting myself?" I cried. I think I am more sad now than before. How can I raise my child when I am still confined in a wheelchair? Too many fears running through me.

"Jin hyung!" Jimin called as he arrived in our home. I've been staying in my bedroom for a week now ever since I learned about my pregnancy. I asked Jimin to visit me and he is more than willing.

"How are you? I worried when you texted that you need me. What's wrong?" Jimin asked while he sat down beside me in bed. He is my source of comfort now. His hugs mean a lot to me and I need it now more than ever.

I just cried on his shoulder. I can't be like this in front of my mother and Namjoon. I always pretend that I am feeling good when I'm around them. I can only cry like this to Jimin and Hoseok. And I think I need to let everything out.

"J-jim.." I can't put everything into words. "Jimin.. I-i'm pregnant."

Jimin's eyes widened when he heard it. He knew that something happened between me and Taehyung the same day we had the accident.

"Oh my... so why are you crying? You should not be crying now hyung. It may affect your baby." He said as he wiped my tears away.

Why are they so happy about me being pregnant when all I can feel right now is sadness? Are they pretending to be happy when the truth, they only pity me?

"Taehyung needs to know about his baby Jimin. Do you have news about him right now? Is he okay?" I asked again.

"I have good news for you hyung. Jungkook is already here in Korea and he will be going to the office on Monday. You want me to set an appointment for you so you can talk to our new Chairman?"

"No Jimin. I will come there without an appointment. I really do feel he will deny my appointment. I can feel they are keeping something from me." I said to Jimin. Jungkook will not changed his number if he's not hiding something from me.

"But Hyung, Yoongi told me that it's normal for business tycoons not to divulge their health conditions to their employees or to people. As it may affect the status of the company." Jimin said.

"But Jungkook taking over KTH is already at the front page of all the newspapers Jimin. I saw it."

"But it says there that Taehyung just sold his company to Jungkook's family. The news said Taehyung build a new company in the US. All of those are not true. You know it hyung! Because they are keeping something about his recovery."

"Jungkook just took over because all the board of directors went into panic after learning the accident. Jin, Taehyung is in critical condition when they flew him to the States. That's why they are all protecting Taehyung's real condition. They don't want it to be known publicly."

So that's what the news said. The truth, I did not read the full story as it will only give me more reasons to be sad and depressed.

"So do you know how many weeks is your baby right now? Your baby made in Mr. Kim's desk." Jimin giggled. Somehow, his teasing made me smile.

"Jimin?! Stop that!" I blushed but ride on to his teasing. "Why did you think that our baby was made on his desk right away? It can be on my bed. Or in the shower. Or in..."

"Oh gosh.. not just once you mean? So where's the last one?" He asked.

"In... in his.. car.." I bowed down as I remember the last moments we had.

"Wait Hyung. So you mean, the day you had that accident, you had an intimate moments with him in his car? Is that the reason why both of you were late for our office lunch? And the reason why it's Harold who picked Chanri from school?"

I nod. Remembering all of it suddenly made me feel guilty again. And ashamed. "Please, don't tell it to anyone." I said, holding Jimin's hand.

He shakes his head. "I won't. It's safe with me. I promise. Hyung.. I'm excited for you on Monday."

I smiled. "Me too. I will arrive there earlier. I'll make sure to come before Jungkook."

Jimin gave me a big smile and a nod.

My hopes suddenly lifted a bit. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I have so many questions that I need Jungkook to answer. It's been more than 2 months and going on three. I need some answers now. At long last, I will have an idea on Taehyung's progress. I need to tell Jungkook that i am carrying Taehyung's child. I can't wait to see Jungkook. I can't wait for Monday.

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