Vobi- Slow Dancing

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Vikk's P.O.V.

The one goal Tobi and I had in life was to have a house together, to combine our lives into one and to live as a unit. I had lived with the Sidemen ever since I had left my parents nest and Tobi had lived near to Harry and Ethan for most of that time too, and then I had moved to my own apartment after the second Sidemen house- but after 4 years together, we wanted to go for the next move.

We planned for almost a year, visiting multiple homes that we thought might be a good fit, but nothing seemed to stick. We, mainly I, wanted something small and cosy but with enough rooms for offices and a small garden, something I could tend to. Just having potted plants wasn't enough for me anymore, and Tobi wanted to start a herb garden.

For that we would have to find a place on the outskirts of the city but we had to be close enough to film with the Sidemen, so we had to make some compromises. We decided to go down on the number of bedrooms and offices, we would make do with one bedroom and two offices- but we had to have a garden. To grow flowers and plants and vegetable and herbs, we wouldn't compromise.

It was a year after we first started searching that I found something- a house that I thought could finally fit us. It was a 90's cottage looking, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 office house on the side of the city we were looking for, close to the Sidemen office, and, the most important part, was that it had a decent sized garden. I sent the link to Tobi almost at once and before I knew it, the next day we were going to view the house.

It was perfect in almost every way.

It had everything we were looking for and it only took the tour and half an hour of discussion afterwards for Tobi and I to decide we wanted it. We placed our bid and the next week we received the news we were hoping for- at 23 and 25 respectively, we were the owners of our house.

We moved in a week later with the help of some of the Sidemen boys, who were just as excited as we were.

It was amazing, living in our own house for the first time. We had been together for almost 5 years now and this was the next huge step for our relationship, moving in together, and I was looking forward to it, even if it involved a lot of work and a lot of time off YouTube.

"Excited Vikky?" Tobi asked, his arm snaking around my waist. I nodded enthusiastically, leaning back against him.

"Yeah, but I'm exhausted." I laughed, looking around at our new house full of boxes, half empty. "It's only been a day but I just want to be settled in already!"

"I know, I know." Tobi grinned, kicking at an empty pile of cardboard. "I want to be settled down too, but it'll take a couple of weeks."

I groaned and grumbled under my breath but I had to admit it, it would take a while. I was looking forward to it though, going through the next stage of life with Tobi, no matter how I complained.


Tobi gently placed a kiss on my forehead, both of us standing in the kitchen of our new house- at 3am no less, in our warm winter pyjamas. His hands were around my waist and mine rested lightly on his shoulders, slow and gentle music playing in the background. I was swaying from side to side, smiling like an idiot.

It had been three weeks since we had moved in and we were finally settled down, boxes were unpacked and we were back into our regular routine. I was recording like normal, as was he, we were back at the gym and everything was back to normal, just in a new house.

Slow dancing in the kitchen at 3am really wasn't something I expected we would be doing, but it was nice. It was comforting, knowing he was there and I didn't have to worry about anything, neither did he, and we were quite happy to just do what we wanted.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" I asked quietly, suddenly noticing Tobi's fond stare.

"Because I love you." He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I love you so much."

I laughed lowly, reaching up and standing on my tiptoes so I could press a kiss to his lips, still red. Tobi only smiled and kissed back gently, looking so, so goddamn happy to just be there with me, in our own house, in own kitchen, at some stupid hour of the morning. But neither of us cared, because we were content.

"You know how when we first met, I said that it would be alright?" He said quietly.

I chuckled gently, thinking back to it. I had been in a dark time at the time, depression and anxiety had taken over my life as I was worried about my future, what I would do after school, and Tobi had been my saviour. He had showed me the light, allowing me to the fight through. It was because of him, my boyfriend, that I continued my YouTube career and ended up where I was- happy.

"Of course I do." I breathed, smiling. "How could I forget? You saved my life."

He tilted my chin back so I was looking at him, both of us grinning like idiots.

"Was I right?"

"Obviously." I laughed. "You're always right Tobi, no need to rub it in."

Instead of saying something more he returned his hands to my waist and started swaying in time with the music as well, stepping on occasion until finally we were slow dancing around the kitchen- terribly mind you, I was tripping over his feet- at 3am. My heart was happy, I was incredibly happy.

I honestly couldn't ask for more.

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