Calstar- Skiiing

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I yelped as Cal- Callux- stole my camera from my hand to continue my vlog with a laughing grin while I chased after him.

"Cal!" I whined, jumping up as he held the camera over my head. God damn height differences! I cursed, standing on my tiptoes while he waved it over my head, laughing at my distress. "Give it back!"

He handed it back after a moment and I sighed in relief, clutching my camera to my chest. I supposed I should have known that they would tease me considering I was in France, skiing, with Harry and both Cal's who were very well known for being practical jokesters.

"You're an asshole." I muttered, sticking my tongue out childishly at him.

"I know." He sniggered while Harry and Cal continued to watch on, doing nothing to really help me. Once I got my camera back the other Cal, Calfreezy, patted the couch beside him and I fell onto it, tired from the short flight for some reason and looking forward to the skiing the next day.


The first day of skiing was fun, everyone made it through the day without face planting and I loved it. I had never been to that ski field and neither had any of the others so it was a great experience getting to know the area and finding the fun parts of each slope, racing each other down or daring the others to go over small jumps.

We all went home exhausted and slept like babies that night, not even going out to have some drinks like we normally would. It was like a tradition by that point, every ski trip the group of us would go out most nights and share some drinks, getting a little drunk. But that time, we didn't. We were all two exhausted.

On the second day we woke up late, not getting out of the house until almost noon and it took another hour and a half to gather our gear, renting stuff we needed. We hit the slopes at around half past one, moving up a level from the slopes from yesterday. This one was steeper and had more jumps, but because we were tired the dares didn't start until into the evening.

Our trip was planned to be a week long, which included the first and last days as flying days, leaving 5 days for skiing. It was the end of the second day that everything fell apart.

Harry and Cal, Callux, had been skiing slightly ahead of us and Calfreezy had been at my side and we had been going at quite a fast pace, laughing as the wind whipped through my hair, when my ski caught a stick. I screamed out as I tumbled forward, crashing into the snow. I heard a snap.

My entire leg was on fire and I cried out again, lurching forward before coming to a stop, one ski snapped in half, my entire leg burned and half buried in the snow. My head rested on the snow. I whimpered in pain, confused as to what had just happened.

"Holy shit Vikk!" Cal rushed to my side, kicking off his skis so he could crouch down beside me. "Are you alright?"

"I- I think so?" I stuttered, adrenaline pumping through my veins. "My leg- ow- fuck- my leg hurts-" I dug my nails into the palms of my hands. "Really bad!"

He leaned down and gently helped dig me out of the snow, unhooking my other ski from unhurt foot and turning me over onto my back. I cried out with the pain that cause, and I knew it was bad at the look of complete shock on his face, as well as the way the colour drained from his cheeks.

"Oh- shit Vikk-" He was interrupted by Harry and Callux, who must have trudged back up the hill after they noticed we weren't following them anymore.

"What happene- never mind. That's what happened. Harry?" He had gone pale.

"I'll go down and get a medic." He said, sounding horrified. I attempted to look up, confused as to why they were looking that way. Sure my leg hurt quite a bit, but surely it couldn't be that bad? Cal covered my eyes with his hand.

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