Poofless/Vikklan- Make Out

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Rob's P.O.V.

Preston let out a low gasp as I gently pressed a kiss to his neck, my hands roving his body and grabbing at him, pulling him as close as we could get. We hadn't seen each other in months and I was just making the most of being back together after so long apart.

I heard Preston whimper as my kiss turned into teeth sinking into his skin, sucking a bite mark onto his neck and claiming him as mine and mine alone. He gasped and his grip on me tightened, pinching my skin a little, but I continued to tease and mark him so everyone knew that Preston belonged to me.

"Ro-Rob!" He gasped, trying to keep his voice down. We were hidden away in the back of the house, in a closet simply because it was the only place we could get any privacy. "Ple-please!"

I trailed more kisses down his neck, my hands grabbing at his ass and squeezing tightly. He whimpered and squirmed in my arms but let me continue to tease him, grabbing at him and making him do exactly what I wanted to, to submit to me.

Tapping the base of his chin to make him look up at me I took him by his waist, pressing a passionate to his lips. He kissed back, his hands clutching onto mine and finally my eyes flickered closed, content with him. Sure, we were hidden away in a closet in the back of the shared Pack but I had him and he had me.

"God I love you." I whispered, kissing him again, placing my hand over his cheek. "I love you so m-"

"OHMYGODGUYSCOMEHEREPRESTONANDROBAREKISSING!!!!" Someone squealed in one breath, startling Preston and I so much that we fell apart and I hit my head on the wardrobe.

I turned around and then fell back again, a phone was shoved right in my face and there were sniggers from two people I knew very well. Preston cried out, a little panicked when he noticed the phone which was clearly filming us and buried his head in my shoulder.

"Vikk! Lachlan!" I shrieked, shoving the phone away. "Go away!!!"

"WE GOT IT ON FILM!" Vikk screamed down the hall, probably to Mitch and Jerome. "POST IT!"

"NO!" Preston and I cried, but it was already too late. By the time we had scrambled out of the closet and had run down the hall to snatch the phone from Vikk's hand, the video or photo was already up on twitter with no caption.

Preston gaped and I was fuming. He had outed us without permission and although our relationship was somewhat known online and between the boys, it had never been confirmed for anyone and that photo, as it turned out to be, had told everyone of our relationship.

I was out for revenge, and Preston was happy to join me.


Lachlan and Vikk had always been pretty private about their relationship, especially when it came to their presence online. There were few photos of them cuddling and only one of them kissing, along with a couple of cutesy ones of them holding hands or asleep on the same bed.

I knew they wouldn't mind as much as we had about more photos of their relationships surfacing online. Preston was definitely for embarrassing them online and after a little bit of thinking myself I decided that I was for it as well because my feed had blown up over all of my social media platforms and I hadn't been back on since the photo was posted. Neither had Preston.

"What are we gonna try and get photos of?" Preston said, bouncing excitedly at the thought of revenge. "I wanna get some good stuff."

"Mmm..." I hummed, thinking about exactly what I wanted to get. There would be plenty of opportunities throughout the day to get back at them, they were a lot more touchy and affectionate when they thought no one was looking. "There'll be some good chances later on, but I want at least one of them kissing."

"And hugging. And one preferably of them making out because that's what they put up of us."

"I'll see what we can get."


It took less than a day for us to get the desired photos, at least one of each category we wanted. It appeared that Vikk and Lachlan didn't realise or think that we were out for revenge because they acted just as normal, holding hands, kissing, cuddling just as normal and Preston was lucky enough to get a sneaky one of them making out on the living room sofa.

We were all giggling happily as we complied the photos the next morning, going through all of them and deleting the blurry or unwanted ones, cropping them to get the best parts and then finally decided which ones we wanted to use. Between us we decided to send out a tweet each, so a max of 8 photos.

The first 3 were cutesy ones, hand holding and gentle kisses, hugging and that sort of thing. They were taken in the kitchen or the living room while they were distracted and doing something, so they didn't notice our phones out. They were simple, but fanfiction material.

The fourth one was cute, but also more intimate. Vikk was up on his tiptoes, pressing a kiss to Lachlan's lips and their arms were wound tight around the others waist. I had taken that one around the door to their shared bedroom, when they thought they were alone.

The next one was a little less PG, Lachlan was standing behind Vikk with a smirk on his face and his hand was reaching somewhere... suggestive. Vikk had his face covered by his hands but you could clearly see his ears were bright red. The one after that had a similar vibe, but this time it was Lachlan who was embarrassed and Vikk who was smirking.

The last two were my favourite because it would embarrass the hell out of them, but were also the ones that were likely to get the tweet reported for suggestive or sexual content. Both were of them making out, the first one was in the living room and Lachlan was lying on top of Vikk, whispering something into his ear. Vikk was bright red but was looking right back at him. Fanfiction material to say the least.

The last one was the best. Both boys were shirtless and their hands were all over one another, Lachlan's hand was wound in Vikk hair and they were quite clearly making out. Preston and I giggled about it for a solid 20 minutes while we decided what we should crop, Preston grinning because holy shit it would embarrass them.

"Ready to post?" Preston nodded, grinning.


Not even ten seconds had passed before there was a scream from next door.

"YOU TWO!!!!"

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