Chapter One

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  Regardless, if you are a muggle, witch or wizard, the first day to a new year of school is not always a joyful one. To most, it's a reunion amongst friends and to others, it's another year to live up to the term "wallflower", but what does happen when a wallflower is finally notice amongst the others? Do their lives change for the good or for the worst? Will their desire to be notice seem better off being something only worth desiring instead of fulfilling?

  A jet of grey translucent smoke filled the midnight black sky as it roared from a crimson red train. Laughter, cheer and glee escaping the mouths of children as they stepped onto the platform and reunited with one another; all dressed in black robes with dark tinted colors of crimson, emerald, sapphire and yellow to distinguish one another. It was a warm inviting atmosphere that anyone would enjoy, anyone except for one.
  "First 'ears! Follow me! This way 'erry up!" A man that towered over the children called out as he held a candle lit lantern up high. His long dark bushy hair that matched with his beard would have given the impression he was an intimidating fellow but looks are deceiving, within him lies a kind gentle soul.
  Energetic children with black robes with no distinguishing colors follow the man's voice. There, a girl with pale snow skin, eyes that shined as bright green emeralds and cascading long chocolate brown hair was found in the middle of the stampede.
    "Hey! Watch it!" She said in a quiet gentle voice.
  She was shoved and push in both directions though no one paid attention to her. The movement of children was starting to settle and when it did, she released a heavy sigh and looked up.  All the children were walking up a gravel stone path as they followed the man with the candle lit lantern.  She watched as the light grew smaller and smaller; she straightened up her robe tinted with sapphire.
  Her emotions were sullen, she sulked miserable as she walked; this girl was a wallflower. A wallflower is someone who is hardly notice, invisible to most but they can see everything, how a person really is and what they do, but they do not judge them, they try to understand them.  However, she wants all of that to change this year. She wants someone to notice her.
   "Hey!" A voice said out of the blue.
  The girl found her face buried in the dark fabric of another person's robe. She quickly pulled away and looked up to meet two pairs of blue eyes and two ginger colored heads. Identical Twins, to be exact.
   "You better watch where you're going!" One twin said with a laugh
  She quickly nodded her head and muttered an apology.
  The other twin took a good look at her, "Hang on." He said as he leaned in meeting her at eye level. "You're in our Little Brother's year? A Third Year, yeah, I've seen you around. You're Ariella Price, right?"
  Her heart skipped a beat. No one other than a teacher ever said her name, she always thought that she was invisible to everyone especially to the Weasley Twins, infamous for their practical jokes around school.
  George and Fred Weasley, Fifth Year students at Hogwarts. The Fourth and Fifth Generation of the Weasley's children, after the eldest, Bill, the second oldest, Charlie, the third, Percy. However, there are more Weasleys , the Sixth child is a Third Year named Ronald Weasley and the last Weasley is the Seventh child and only girl, Ginny Weasley, a Second Year. All Weasley's have belonged to the Gryffindor House where it is said to be known the trait that distinguish themselves the most is Bravery. However, to the Slytherin Household, where children are distinguish for their cunning attitude and desire for Dark Magic, the Weasley family is known as a pity family, a poor family who lived in a rundown house where Hogwarts is the only form of luxury they'll receive.
   "Excuse me." She said with haste.
  She walked right past the both of them leaving them with questions and opened ended conversations. She made her way to the carriages and looked back as she saw them watching her trail off. She questioned why she ran away, it was the first time someone actually noticed her.

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