Thinking About Danger (2)

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The sun was shining outside for the first time in weeks. I felt pleasant and cozy as the heat of the sun cleared my mind. So many days with rain and storms. This was a blessing.

It was the next morning that I had finally managed to get myself out of bed early so that I could do my work on time. I was casually roaming through the aisles at the grocery store as I bumped into someone. I dropped my basket as soon as my body collided with someone else's. When I looked up to see who it was, I found grey eyes looking down at me.

How cliché.

He is popping up everywhere I go.

Or is it just me?

"Oh, sorry about that Evelyn," Eric said as he was picked up my things.

Eric. I couldn't help but admire him.

I am helplessly sick.

"Never mind. It's OK." 

I was so confused. The best thing to do, I thought, was to ignore him. He will go away by himself. But my dreams wont. I laughed at myself. I doubted that my thoughts made sense.

At a reasonable hour, I got home, spending the rest of the day working to keep myself busy. And that night the dreams came again. This time a bit different than before.

They were the same with the same blonde girl, the same woman in purple and the same guy with the black hair. But this time when they were tormenting the girl, I went over to save her. It was so inhumane to throw the innocent girl into a pit of fire. There was so much blood that I could barely tell where the injuries on her body were. Whenever I would be inches away from grabbing her hand, somebody would grab me by the wrist. That really fustrated me because I never got to see who it was, always woke up right after that.

But the next night was far more promising.

I screamed. They could not do this to that innocent girl. They were torturing her.

Before me there was a pit of fire. Its flames leaping out to lick the girl's blonde hair. I had to do something. Without knowing, I moved forward. I could help her.

Someone caught my wrist. I tried to move but the grip on my wrist tightened.

No. I have to break free. I have to help that girl. I turned around shivering and shaking to face the person who held me hostage. I stood there paralyzed.

It was him.

"You can't run you know," he smiled a sly smile on his face.

"Who are you?" I asked, scared as hell. I wanted to run away, the weight of his stare was weighing down on me. He slowly let go of my wrist.

"That's not important. What's important is that you are the  one and you must come with me," he said as he held out a hand.

I took his hand. 

Then I woke up. I was breathing heavily. I always woke up terrified and sometimes I wished I wasn't so lonely. Not that being alone bothered me often, though. It was just the need to be with someone. It felt like I was missing something in life. That there was something else somewhere waiting for me. Something big. I was a self-dependent person and I knew how to handle myself but sometimes even the loneliest people can feel the need of something new. But as I wasn't one to socialize I doubt that will ever happen.

 I needed to stop thinking so much about these dreams. 

And Eric.

Despite my decision to ignore him, I thought about him alot. I had this unexplainable urge to talk to him, get to know him better. I had felt so comfortable around him, even though I always side stepped people. I knew perfectly well that my behavior annoyed some of my relatives and even my parents sometimes, whom I knew missed me. It freaked me out to be with people, even my own family. 

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