Shadowing Memories (9)

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Quote: "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."

We went out of the cottage and came to the bridge. This was my second time crossing the bridge. I trembled as I tried to keep my balance because the bridge was so narrow. I turned around once to see Eric with his hands in his pockets and walking so swiftly as if he were walking on a sidewalk.

The air outside was warm but the leaves were still fluttering. There wasn't a soul in sight as we silently walked down a crooked path.

"Eric, where have you lived all your life?" I asked out of curiously even though I didn't want to know the answer.

"Do you really want to know?" he asked not looking at me. He held my hand. I nodded my head.



Why am I surprised?

I only met him a month ago.

"But you live..."

"I know what you're thinking. You just saw me a month ago living in your neighborhood. I am sick of this place and I wanted to leave it. Turns out you just can't leave this place." He said running his fingers through his hair.

"So where did you live? I mean"

"That'll be the least of our worries," he flashed his brilliant smile and immediately turned it off.

Did I even see that? Or am I imagining things now?

"Why? Are you here because of me?"  The possibility was great but I wasn't too sure.

"If that's you want to believe."

Is that supposed to confuse me even more? 

I couldn't think of anything to say so I decided to stay silent. 

"Don't worry, Evelyn. I won't leave you alone."  My body relaxed at the sound of his words. I was about to say something but stopped when I see something tall a few miles away. It was a hill, a small one with a stairs that went up to a tower.

Is this some kind of movie?

It was weird. It's color was visibly brown in the red-orange light around us. The hill appeared to be green in color. I couldn't tell if it was grass or something else. The hill alone sent chills up my spine and my body tensed again.

"What are we doing here?" I asked not taking my eyes off from the tower.

"I want to show you something," he said taking my hand and leading my towards the hill.

This is going to be a long long walk.

As soon as I was facing the tower, my heart started beating faster and  I had a weird feeling. A wave of energy, an unexplainable energy surged through me making my fingers go numb. I could sense that there was something wrong with this place.

I can feel...power.

I looked around and couldn't believe what I saw. She was there smiling at me, her hair which were so like mine draped over her shoulders. I couldn't believe my eyes. I hadn't seen her in months; six to be exact. I knew we were not like a normal family but I knew I missed her. Her eyes were shining and her blonde hair were falling over her shoulders. I felt tears brim in my eyes as I stared at her.

There she was my mother just like I remembered her.

"You okay?" Eric voice snapped me back into reality. I blinked to find the place where she had stood empty. I was shocked.

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