His Torture - Part I (12)

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Chapter Twelve

His Torture – Part I

My head hurts.

That was the first thing that came into my mind as I slowly regained consciousness. I could hear no sound at all. It was like I was in an empty space. I coughed trying to get some oxygen into my lungs. I opened my eyes slowly still coughing; trying to breathe normally. One of my hands shot up to my head which ached, it was sore and felt bruised. At first, I couldn’t see anything but slowly my surroundings were coming into focus. I was in large place which was dimly lit. Nothing like the old building I had stepped into-

Wait. Where am I?

My eyes widened as the previous events rushed back into my poor memory. Derek. He was there, talking, talking to Eric and then….he abandoned me. I gasped and coughed once more. Fear imprisoned me suddenly, almost suffocating. My heart started beating faster at the thought of where I was. I looked around frantically, the place was old and not lit enough, there was no red sun-light streaming through anywhere, no windows too. It seemed like…an underground cellar or a dungeon of some sort.

The sound of a throat being cleared caught my attention and my head snapped towards the sound. At the far end were a few chairs made of wood and in one sat….Derek. My heart jumped in my chest, horror engulfing me. I felt the wood against my back and immediately made a move to get up and run. Before I was even standing, a deep voice spoke stopping me dead in my tracks.

“Ah, I see you’re awake,” Derek’s voice came, cold and cunning. I was too scared to speak. What was he going to do to me now? Oh my God….

I slowly inched myself up trying not to make a sound but he was watching my every move. My heart beat drummed in my ears and I felt as if I would burst out of my chest. He stood up and I almost gasped, partly due to the pain in my head and because of his sudden movement. He walked towards me, his steps slow like an attacker seeking its prey. I tried to move away but my back was already pressed against the wall preventing me from escaping.

I wanted to look away from his eyes but I could not, something was holding me in place averting me from turning my head. An evil smile crept to his lips and I almost shuddered.

“Scared are you?” he asked. “You should be.” I managed to glance away from him and looked around trying to spot and exit. But I found none.

“What a stunning couple,” a female spoke somewhere from the left. My head snapped towards the voice. A gasp escaped my lips when I saw who it was. Derek took a step away from me, exposing me to Jules. She stood leaning against the wall, her purple dress touching the floor, her arms crossed on her chest and she had an amused look on her voice.

“Welcome, my dear,” Derek said to her. She smiled at him and I couldn’t tell whether it was a genuine smile or not. What was she doing here? Where was I?

It was only then that I realized that there was a door at one end of the cellar. Jules hadn’t entered from there, the door was closed and there had been no sound to indicate she had entered. I eyed the door and then started thinking of a way to get out. I could run but no doubt Derek would catch me before I could take two steps.

“I’m really tired. Let’s get this over with,” Jules’ voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at her and she glanced my way. There was no emotion on her face, no expression of hate towards me or amusement or even happiness that I was at their mercy.

“Take a seat. He’ll be here in a while,”  Derek  told her and then looked my way. I fidgeted under his intense gaze. I needed to escape.

“Eric better not be late. I don’t want to wait for that douche,” Jules replied still standing.

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