His Past (30)

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"I melted into the dream as if I had always been there. I knew where I had come from; I knew where I was going."
- Chelsie Shakespeare

I sat in front of Eric with my legs hanging off of the bed and he was sitting in front of me on a chair by the bed. I had ended up explaining everything about Derek's visit to him. He had been confused at first as to why Derek had visited me and I thought that he seemed a little irritated but he was trying not to show it. He had gone quite for a while, lost in thoughts, his brows furrowed. Then he agreed to my request and now here we were sitting

My questions were about to be answered. I was sitting with my legs crossed. He placed his hands upward on his knees.

"Now, you're going to see things through my eyes. It might be strange and confusing but you've got to hold on."

"Give me your hands." He said softly. I could feel the adrenaline rush as I gently placed my hands in his. I was scared, more scared than I'd like to admit to myself. I didn't know what I was going to see. Was it going to change everything?

"I want you to close your eyes." He said softly. I did as I was told.

"Empty your mind. I want you to think about absolutely nothing." He whispered tenderly.

I imagined an endless black space; focusing hard on nothing. I felt a tingling sensation in my hands and my heart began to beat faster than ever. It felt like I was being drained of power. The  black abyss I was focusing on had vanished and millions of images were flashing through my mind now. I couldn't even make out what it was before each image vanished and was replaced by another. This endless line of images continued for what I believe was one minute. Gradually, one image became focused.

"This was my home." I could hear Eric say but he seemed to far. Like he was from another life; like nothing else existed other than what I was starting to see.

There was a beautiful mansion with bright green grass surrounding it. Small birds flew from one place to another, chirping. The huge golden gate of the mansion opened and I entered into a ballroom with a stair case in front. A huge gold and crystal chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. Huge windows with colorful patterns on them surrounded the ballroom. I went up the staircase which was made up of marble. A huge painting of a beautiful woman adorned the wall. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders. A sapphire necklace clung to her delicate neck complimenting the navy blue dress she was wearing. My mother had been so pretty before the curse had ruined her and eventually killed her.

"Eric! Where are you?" I heard Derek yell. I reckoned he would be in his room. I opened the door of his room to see nothing but smoke.

"What the hell happened here?" I coughed.

"That bitch Jules did this." Derek retorted, coughing too.

"Bless her." I laughed.

Jules was my girlfriend. She had been with me since we were children. She wasn't human- but a witch. I didn't care because I wasn't one anymore either. She had helped me when a wizard had come to claim our house (revenge on my father who was long dead). My mother, a human who had married my father who was also a wizard had resisted him. With my father dead, there was nothing else left for us except for the mansion. No one could explain why Derek and I didn't have any powers even though our father had been a wizard; a powerful one. The wizard cursed my mother who died of the color of death. Before dying, my mother had Jules turn both Derek and I into magical beings like her so that we would survive.

The scene abruptly changes.

At last I had the wizard who had killed my mother beneath me. I held the knife firmly in my hand ready to slit his throat. I could have used my powers but I wanted to make him hurt.

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