Roots (25)

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The car came to a stop. I looked around at my house. It looked lonely and dark even in the bright sun. Eric's house was still as creepy as ever. Eric cleared his throat and I jumped. He nodded his head at me and I very solemnly grabbed my bag and opened the car door.

"I think you need time to process everything so I'll be out of your way for a while," Eric said in a low tone. I didn't know whether to protest or just agree so I kept my mouth shut.

"Take care okay? Call me if you need anything," he said smiling a little. I nodded my head and then got out of the car. Despite, the bright sun I still felt a little cold.

"Goodbye, Eric." I said running my fingers through my hair.

Eric nodded and I closed the door. I waved and he drove away. Part of me had wanted to stop him but part of me also wanted to be alone. I flicked on the lights once I was inside. The house seemed empty but strangely familiar. It hadn't been touched for three years. I took off my coat and threw it onto my bed. Tying my hair in a ponytail, I rolled up my sleeves and got onto cleaning the house. There was dust everywhere and I knew I wasn't going anywhere now. Yet I didn't feel safe in this house.

I found my phone which was dead. I charged it and checked the miss calls. People must have forgotten me by now. There were hundreds of missed calls from mom. She must have called before I died. I immediately wiped my tears. There were loads from long lost friends whom I never even thought about. I didn't really know what to do with my life. I couldn't stay stuck in the house. I could work.

So the next day I went around and got a job. It was easy and I didn't have to worry. I just wanted to do something useful with my life. Eric didn't bother to call. He was keeping his distance, giving me time. Maybe he feared I hated him now. I was no better than him I had killed someone too. Eric was good at masking his feelings so I couldn't tell if he was guilty or ashamed of what he did. Even if he was he would never tell me. I did admire that he told me about his past, showed it himself.

I decided to call him after a week went by and he didn't even bother to drop by. I knew he wasn't living next door anymore because I never saw him.

"Hi, Eve," Eric answered after a few rings. He seemed surprised as if he hadn't expected me to call. It was quiet in the background so I couldn't tell where he was.

"Eric, where are you?" I asked in a worried tone.

"I'm actually out of city right now. Something wrong?"

"No. I was just wondering where you were. I miss you," I said in a tone that was almost desperate.

"I miss you too, love." I felt tears spring up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away.

"I just wanted to hear your voice," I said.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to come meet you?" he asked in a worried tone. I nodded my head.

"Yes, please." I answered when I realized he couldn't see me.

"Okay don't worry. I'll be there tomorrow evening," he said in a calm tone.

"Okay. I'll wait," I said softly.

"Or I could come now? It won't take long," he offered still not convinced.

"No. It's okay. Come whenever you can," I said.

"Then tomorrow evening it is."

"Okay. Goodbye Eric."

"Goodbye, Eve." The line disconnected and I threw away my phone.

I found my jacket from the closet and grabbed my car keys. I decided to go out and buy dinner before the evening set in. The atmosphere was chilly and the sun was hiding behind the clouds.

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