Chapter 33: Bonds and Peaches

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Deep in the southern tip of Thedas was land where those of right minds knew better than to venture. The Arbor Wilds was dangerous terrain filled with savage wild beasts and forest so thick, the sun's powerful light itself could not hope to break through. However, with his return it had become an even more dark and dangerous place. A darkness where faith of any kind stood no chance against.

Morvain was in his office, sitting behind his desk with his head leaned back. His eyes were closed lightly as the corners of his mouth twitched into a perverse grin. His mind flashed through images of his precious time with the even more precious Inquisitor. He reminisced the details of her naked and beaten body before him as he tugged on his exposed throbbing cock. He inhaled sharply, picking up the pace as he recalled the look in her eyes when she finally broke and began pleading for him to stop.

The mix of her tormented screams and pathetic whimpers ringing in his ears sent him over the edge. He moaned loudly as his cock seized, releasing his putrid seed into his hands. "Hah!" He groaned deeply and his arms fell limp, allowing his cock to pulse wildly in his lap as he climbed down from his high. Using the end of his cape he cleaned himself thoroughly before lacing his trousers and standing from his desk. He leaned over the ledge, feeling the sticky residue leftover on his fingers from his inclination. He licked them clean with a moan as his eyes rolled back in his head, imagining just how delicious his joining with the inquisitor would taste.

His cock began to engorge once again when he started pacing around the room, his excitement imminent. He knew the journey for them to arrive would be long, but he was unsure of how much longer he could withstand. He ran his hands down his body, thinking of how to release his growing excitement when a scout entered unannounced.

"Sir, the scouts we sent to the ruin to aid in the Inquisitors transport have returned."

Morvain's eyes grew wide as a deviant grin spread across his lips. He turned quickly, stepping toward the scout. "Have the Inquisitor brought to me immediately." He ordered.

The scout fidgeted nervously, avoiding his gaze. "W-well sir, there was a proble-"

Morvain rushed him, seizing his throat so tightly that he cut off his airway as he stared into his eyes with an icy glare. "What?" He hissed.

"T-they had e-escaped...everyone...was dead." He choked.

Morvain looked from the scout, feeling the disappointment that spread through him twist into an unbridled rage. With a shove he turned away from him, running his fingers through his hair with rough desperation as he glanced around the room. I was so close, I should have...perhaps I is no way...she has outplayed you. Suddenly a menacing roar lurched from his lungs when he grabbed anything within reach, throwing it across the room. Books, vases, and vials of ink where hurled around the room, smashing against the stone walls and floor like a raging whirlwind. Once he had run out of things to take his anger out on he leaned over his desk, listening to the light sound of crinkling paper as documents floated to the floor. He began to regret letting his game go on for so long. I should have fucked her to pieces when I had the chance, he thought.

His arms trembled as his rage began to rear its head once again. Unable to contain the second wave of his fury he roared, turning to the nearest wall punching his fists into the stone repeatedly till they throbbed in pain. However, with each hit that made contact with the wall his anger only gotten worse when finally he snapped, slamming his head against the wall with a mighty crack.

A brief daze consumed him, his mind going blank for but a second. He pulled away from the wall sluggishly, feeling a hot stream of blood running down his face as he gazed at the splatter of blood left on the wall. Well played Inquisitor, but now we end this. He picked up his dagger from the floor and turned back to the scout. "Assemble the troops." He growled when the scout nodded and left quickly. Morvain straightened his armor, wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand. I will have her, he thought before making his way from the room.

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