Chapter 39: The Western Approach

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Three days have passed and they have finally made it to the Western Approach. The men bustled around anxiously making camp, their spirits high with the anticipation of battle looming overhead. However, as morale continued to grow so did tension. Before any of the men could use their bolstered emotions on eachother Cullen and Ellen decided to move things as quickly as possible and ordered a scout team to scope out the bases surroundings.

The sun beamed high in the sky as the core members surrounded the makeshift war table in the center of camp while Cullen went over their strategy. Everyone could feel the adrenaline rushing through them as they waited for their orders. "Alright everyone this is it, it begins today. If we're successful here we will have cut Morvain from his reinforcements, backing him into a corner. With that being said, I think our best weapon is our element of surprise. So we need to make this fast and clean, we cannot leave any survivors that could escape to give him warning. When the scouts return we will take the Chargers, the Dalish, and the mages and make our way to the base."

Bull growled excitedly. "This is gonna be fun!"

"Anything that requires you to swing your axe like a madman you consider fun." Dorian chided.

"Of course Kadan, don't you? I thought you liked seeing me flex my muscles like a beast of burden?" Bull said, winking at him.

Dorian heaved an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers when a scout ran to Cullen. "Sir the scout leaders report." Cullen took the scroll from him and unraveled it. He read over it quickly when he finished with a tight nod and placed it down on the table. "According to the scout leader there is about four-hundred men within the base. We should easily be able to take them out with who we have but incase we are unaware of anything I feel it wise to have the Ferelden company on standby." He said, looking to Ellen.

"I agree." She said, looking to Tomlen. "Second Commander, alert your troops to be ready."

"Yes, ma'am!" He said with a salute before leaving for his task.

Cullen leaned over the table, pointing to there forces on the map. "Alright, here is the plan, Bull, Gallevorn, your men will aid us in the front lines. Dorian, you and the mages will stay behind us and aid with long range attacks as well as healing to any who fall or become injured." He ordered.

"Yes Commander, I will tell them to aim for the ugly ones wearing red capes. With any luck they will not mistake you or our young Second Commanders red coats as one of our enemies." He smirked.

Tomlen returned to the table. "Sir, Ferelden company is ready to march on your orders."

Cullen turned to Ellen with a serious expression. "Your forces eagerly await your command, Inquisitor."

Ellen looked to everyone around the table, their eyes glued to her every breath. She smirked as she pulled the dagger from her hip, slamming the blade into the marked base on the map. "Lets rid Thedas of these bastards!" She shouted when everyone roared.

Once everyone had assembled they marched. Ellen could feel her heartbeat quickening with each deep rolling echo of her men's marching cadence. It had been so long since she had felt the thrill of upcoming battle and the challenges that it presented. she couldn't help but feel excited for it. Fenris felt her thrill for battle bubble in his chest when he smiled, nudging her lightly before leaning into her ear. "While I fully anticipate that you or I will easily win against the rest in Varric's little wager, how about we make a little wager of our own? Just the two of us." He whispered.

She smiled wickedly, keeping her eyes forward. "Oh? And what do you purpose Emma lath?"

"Who ever kills more men during this battle is granted one wish, and the other must fulfill it no matter what it is or however long it takes. Deal?" He said, giving her a sly grin.

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