Chapter 34: The Inquisitor

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Fenris sprinted through the throne room, ignoring all the looks and greetings he received from the guard. His mind raced with indecencies as his eyes fixated to the rotunda across the way. Once he reached the door he opened it with haste, slamming it shut behind him. He pressed his head against the frame and took a few breaths, trying to calm his trembling body before he faced his wicked temptress. Feeling confident, an arrogant smirk crept across his face when he turned, all to prepared to deny her once again...or so he thought.

    "Fea'mir, I" His voice trailed away along with his train of thought. His breath caught in his lungs, leaving his mouth dry as his eyes widened so large they became sore with strain. He was hypnotized. With his mind numb from shock, his feet moved on their own, carrying him slowly toward their bed. His eyes greedily soaking in the most delicious sight he'd ever seen.

    The curtains were drawn, making the room dark, intimate, but a small fire in the hearth gave just enough of a faint amber glow for him to see everything he needed. As he walked up to the bed he noticed it was cleared of everything but a sheet, a sheet she laid on shamelessly in all her elven glory. He gazed upon her, visually feasting on every single line and curve of her exposed body. She lay on her back, her long golden tendrils splayed across the bed like a crown. Her feet pressed into the bed, anchoring her long slender legs that were spread wide before him, allowing him to see her glorious folds slick from her salacious pass times.

    He winced, feeling his swollen length twitch in his trousers painfully when he spotted her hand resting on her lower stomach, her fingers glistening with her taste. He licked his lips, his resolve melting away at an alarming rate with each passing thought of taking them into his mouth. "Like what you see Emma lath?" She sighed, reaching her hand down between her legs cupping her sex. He watched hungrily as her fingers disappeared into her folds when suddenly he jolted forward, feeling a warm tingling shock quiver between his legs.

    "Seems I have gotten your attention." She chuckled, drunk with the newly acquired power she now held over him.

    He smirked, running his hands along the buckles of his armor, undoing them. "Yes, you have." He said, pulling the cuirass over his head and tossing it to the side. "Do you know the scene in which your wandering hands have caused? In the presence of the Commander, the boy, and the mage no less."

    She smiled, biting her bottom lip. "It must have caused quite a commotion."

    "It did." He said lowly, removing his gauntlets. "I thought it was decided we would wait till we figured out more of this?"

    "No, you decided that, I agreed to nothing." She replied, gently tracing her free hand across her breast, grazing her nipple when he gasped and shut his eyes tightly. She knew he was still desperately clinging to the last strand of resolve that remained, but she would not be refused a second time. Doubling her efforts she pinched her pebbled peak firmly between her fingers while securely flicking across her bundle of nerves with the other.

    He inhaled sharply and lurched forward, gripping onto the foot of the bed. She grinned innocently as he glared at her from under his brow. "You will be punished for your disobedience Fea'mir." He growled.

    She hummed her approval as he tore off his tunic before all but frantically unlacing his trousers. "Good, I think it's time you let the wolf out of its cage, don't you?" She cooed.

    Her words struck a chord deep within his being. He felt his heart begin to beat rapidly in his chest, sending his blood to burn through his nerves like liquid fire. He looked at his hands, watching the veins scale across his skin when his markings flickered. His primitive instincts collided with the animalistic need that throbbed below his waist, erupting his body into a sense of urgency and releasing the beast. Within seconds he was upon her, crashing his lips into hers in a riotous battle of dominance.

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