Chapter 40: Love and Wishes

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With their victory sealed in the Western Approach they moved forward, readying themselves for the final battle. Before they left the Western Approach Ellen spoke to captives they rescued, allowing them to stay or leave at their own discretion. Most had decided to stay, wishing to repay the Inquisition for their rescue by helping in any way they could while others decided it was not their fight and left in search for their clans. With each passing day the Approach disappeared in the horizon behind them, showing them that they were coming closer to their final destination. Every night they would go over tactics and strategy, preparing themselves as best they could for the expected as well as unexpected.

After another war meeting Tomlen sat by the fire, reflecting on the events of their mission when he spotted the elven girl from the base across the way. He felt his heart beat rapidly in his chest as he watched her help the healers mix ingredients for healing potions and salves. A wistful sigh escaped his lips, seeing her gently pull her beautiful long hair to the side and out of the way of her work. "Andraste's lady bits! Are you still making stupid googly eyes at the pretty elfy?" Sera snorted, taking a seat on the log beside him.

Tomlen jolted with surprise by her sudden presence. "I-I don't know what you are talking about miss Sera I am simply sitting here minding my own business."

Sera clicked her tongue, eyeing him. "Yea, minding her lady bits is more like it."

His eyes snapped at hers, his mouth gaping in shock. "I would never!" He shouted.

"Never what?" Ellen asked, walkinging up with Fenris, Dorian, and Bull taking a seat beside them.

"Little tit has a crush on pretty elfy." Sera said, nodding her chin to the girl still mixing potions across the way from them.

"I do not!" He growled, glaring at Sera.

"HA! HA! HA! Way to go imekari!" Bull bellowed.

"Is that true Tomlen?" Ellen beamed.

He felt his cheeks flush instantly from the excitement in her gaze. "I, yes...I mean no, I mean she is a nice girl."

"The boy likes her." Fenris stated plainly.

Ellen giggled excitedly, clapping her hands together. "That's wonderful Tomlen!"

" exciting indeed. Our young Second Commander seems to be growing up before our very eyes, and so soon." Dorian sighed.

Tomlen rolled his eyes, collecting his face in his hands. "It's not like that! It's...It's...ugh! I can't explain it!" He cried in frustration.

"When you laid eyes on her, it felt as though you had seen clearly for the first time in your life. Your breath stopped, but your heart was beating around your chest like a caged wild beast threatening to give out, but it didn't. It were as though life was gifting you a reason to live." Fenris answered, staring into the fire. Everyone went silent, turning to him with awe struck eyes when he looked to Tomlen. "Am I correct?"

Tomlen stared at him with disbelief. He couldn't believe him of all people had so easily described every emotion that he had felt, and with such accuracy. "I...yes." He admitted.

"Then you're right, you do not like the girl. You love her." Fenris said plainly.

Ellen squealed, wrapping her arms around an utterly shocked Tomlen. "I'm so happy for you!" She smiled, shaking him in her embrace.

His mind finally caught up with the emotions he was feeling when he began shaking his head vigorously. "Wait! That is not possible! How can I fall in love with someone I don't know? I mean...Makers breath, I don't even know her name!" He argued.

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