Chapter 4: Competitive Spirit

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Fenris awoke feeling rejuvenated. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, stretching his arms high above his head when he headed over to his wardrobe to dress. Grabbing his sword from the weapons rack he realized he has yet to train since he'd arrived. The Inquisitor is probably at the training yard already. With that thought he made his way from his room. He walked briskly to the training yard and looked around noticing she wasn't there. She's probably preparing for the King's arrival tonight, well, I won't be long, he thought.

He decided to take a few swings then go assist her. He slowly unsheathed his sword from his back, gripping it tightly with both hands, and started with a few warm up swings. Feeling ready he walked up to the training dummies and began, slashing side to side, up and down, down and up getting into a rhythm. He increased his pace, feeling the adrenaline push him on. With one final move he spun full circle and leapt into the air and slashed down on the target with incredible force, snapping the target in half. Breathing heavily, he started to sheath his sword when he heard a slow clapping coming from behind him.

"Bravo! Well done!" was said aloud as a tan man with a thin mustache, dressed in fine Tevinter styled robes, started to make his way toward him slowly. He had an arrogant air about him and Fenris could already tell he wasn't going to take too kindly to him. Giving him a cold expression, he crossed his arms across his chest, keeping his guard up. The man now standing in front of him began to speak again.

"So, you must be Moody Broody." He stated curiously.

"My name is Fenris." He spat through gritted teeth, damning Varric under his breath for spreading his ridiculous nickname to others.

"Well, it seems I'm correct then." He said with a slight bow. "Let me introduce myself, I am Dorian Pavus, Altus mage of the Tevinter Imperium, and the Inquisitions most sought after bachelor. My duty here is to set things right. Also? To look dashing, that part's less difficult." He extended his hand for a shake.

Fenris glared at him, refusing it. "A Tevinter mage? How reassuring. So, what sort of manipulation did you use to slither your way into the Inquisition, mage? Blood magic? Make a deal with a demon?" He spat.

"Oh my, not a fan of mages are we? Could that be directly linked to those lyrium markings and your moody nature?" Dorian probed. Fenris clenched his hands into tight fists, feeling his blood begin to boil with rage. Sensing this, Dorian began to retract. "Oh don't fret, your secret is safe with me. It is not my place to leak your dirty skivvies. So, where is Ellie? You are her new bodyguard are you not? Doesn't that mean you should be elbow deep in her skirt at all times?"

Fenris breathed slowly, trying to get a hold of his emotions. "I thought she would be down here training, since this is where I have been able to find her everyday so far. Perhaps she is in the tavern?"

"No, I just left from there. When did you see her last?" Dorian questioned him.

"Last night, she walked me to my new quarters in the rotunda."

"The what?" Dorian gasped as worry spread across his face. Without another word he turned around and rushed in the direction of her room. Fenris, noticing his panic decided to follow.

They ran all the way to her quarters when Dorian burst through the door with Fenris behind him ready to draw his blade. She was wrapped in a blanket, balled up on the floor with her back resting against the bed frame. Her face was red and puffy from a night of crying, her hair disheveled and falling across her face. She looked broken.

"Oh dear." Dorian whispered as he walked over to her, picking her up off the floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest. Fenris watched while his mind flooded with questions, what happened? She seemed fine last night when she left him. Did someone break in? Was it the repercussions of consorting with a demon? The thought made him tense. He fidgeted with his token, watching Dorian as he set her down on the bed and started to dress her. Noticing her lack of clothing he turned his back to them quickly.

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