Chapter 7: Rage

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    Fenris sprung forward as he gasped for breath, his hands clutching desperately to his chest. Panicked he looked at his arms running his hands over them, assuring himself the worst was over. He hadn't experienced pain like that since the markings were carved into his skin. He inhaled deeply, trying to steady his breath and as it started to flow evenly he relaxed, placing a hand down on the bed beside him. He looked over and realized it was empty. He scanned around the room quickly, calming instantly when he saw Ellenwen standing out on the balcony. He got up from the bed, making his way to her side. She doesn't move, not even to look at him, she just stared silently at the mountain-scape.

    The sky was splayed with colors of blue and violet, the sun barely peeking over the horizon, it's just breaking dawn. He hadn't realized how long they'd been in The Fade, he...stayed the night with her. While trying to decide how to feel about that fact, she heaved a heavy sigh hugging herself tightly. Carefully, he peeked at her profile, her skin looked soft and pale, free of any imperfections, her hair draped down her back like a satin sheet. As the breeze blew through it lightly a stray lock would twirl around caressing her cheeks. He couldn't help but admire her beauty.

    He studied her further, seeing the anger still holding in her eyes, her lips pressed together in a tight line. He wanted to help her, but he was at a loss, he knew nothing he said or did would change what she was feeling. He recalled her heated argument with the Dread Wolf. He knew something very intimate hid behind the words exchanged between them, but what he couldn't understand was if the Wolf deemed their relationship impossible, why would he continue to pull her around on an emotional leash? The thought of it angered him, infuriated him even. To him it was the equivalent of a slave master pulling the chains on a slave's freedom, crushing any hopeful thinking of moving on. Unable to take the silence any longer he spoke. "Are you okay, Lady Inquisitor?" He muttered.

    Without turning to face him she replied with a sharp tone, "You will not speak of this to anyone, understood? We must concentrate on the mission." With that she walked back to the room without so much as a glance in his direction. Not wishing to anger her further he left, silently making his way to his room.

    As he walked through the throne room he was quickly reminded of the indecency of his appearance, earning a few gasps and lewd grins from the staff. He picked up the pace to his room when he barreled through the door shutting it quickly, trying to escape the teeming of snickers and whispers through the hall. He leaned his head against his arm when the sharp tone of Ellenwen's voice rang in his ears, sending an unsettling feeling to swirl around in his gut. He understood what she was going through, the feelings warring around inside her were mutating into a beast of rage. He saw it in the cold, angry, distance her eyes held. The more her memories of happiness with the Dread Wolf turned against her the more anger and regret took its place, causing her to lose herself, her compassion...her spirit, to it. "Venedhis! Shit!" He cursed, grinding his teeth. He didn't know how, but he was determined to protect her, from the Wolf, even from herself, it was his duty.

    "Where oh where have you been all night Broody?" Fenris whipped around to see Varric sitting on the sofa, his fingertips pressed together before him wearing a wry smile and a raised brow.

    He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, "What do you want, dwarf?" He growled, walking over to his wardrobe to change and start preparing for the mission.

    "We were supposed to have drinks last night, remember? But after you and Ellie ran off and no one had seen hide nor tail of either of you. So I came to look for you and low and behold here you are, coming back at the break of dawn in nothing but your trousers. Now, I'm not one for jumping to conclusions, oh wait, yes I am." He said, his eyes growing more deviant with each passing moment.

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