Chapter 16: Family Part 1

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A month has passed since they returned from Arlathvhen and daily life was becoming normal once again. Every day began the same, with Ellen and Fenris waking in each others arms. They stayed in her room most nights, but every now and then their rigid desires would make them unable to make it up the stairs, so his room would suffice. Once they managed to get out of bed they would train in the training yard till noon before refueling with a good drink and a hot meal at the tavern. After lunch they would go to the forest to visit with Gallevorn and Keeper Melda to check on how the clan was settling in. On their way back they would stop by the war room to visit Cullen, seeing if there had been any recent developments from Leliana.

    "Ellie, these things take time, and before you ask, no, there is nothing you can do to speed up the process I assure you." Cullen sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "I know patience is not in your arsenal of strong suits, but I implore you, for your own sake as well as mine please try. I promise, I will send for you the moment I receive word." Ellen's shoulders slumped with disappointment and turned to leave when Cullen cleared his throat loudly. "Actually, there is something I have been meaning to tell you." Ellen whipped around to see Cullen holding a letter out for her.

    She took the letter, noticing the familiar seal pressed harshly into the parchment with extreme force; the seal of the Seekers. Ellen's eyes snapped toward Cullen. "Cullen? What have you done?" She hissed.

    "What do you mean? You were on death's door for THREE DAYS! She is still part of the Inquisition, this family. She deserved to know." He retorted.

    "Ugh! And let me guess you told her everything! Not holding back even a little." She sighed, rubbing her hands over her face roughly.

    "You know very well if I had she would find out and possibly bludgeon me to death. It is better this way, for both of us. Let us just be thankful she isn't here to deliver her message in person." Cullen shivered.

    Disappointed and slightly worried Ellen made her way back to her room with Fenris at her side. "Ugh!" Ellenwen heaved through puffed cheeks as she removed her dual swords, throwing them on the weapons table. With the letter in hand she stomped to the balcony, throwing open the doors and walked to the ledge. Fenris followed behind, chuckling to himself as he witnessed her mild tantrum. He glided his hands gently up and down her arms, resting his head in the nape of her neck, feeling her hair brush against his skin like the finest silk. He closed his eyes, breathing in her sweet familiar scent.

She closed her eyes, matching his calming breaths when she looked down to the letter in her hands. "Well, better get this over with." She sighed, slipping her finger under the wax seal. She scanned over the letter, her stomach in knots.


I trust the Commander has followed my strict instruction to the accompanying letter and delivered this to you without delay. It was much to my surprise that while I was out here, struggling, fighting to restore the Order of the Seekers I am to receive a letter. A letter in which worried me so greatly I almost abandoned my cause. Luckily, before I had made any hasty decisions I was quickly informed of your recovery, thanks to Dorian and an elven man named Fenris? We will speak of him at a later time. Now to the matter at hand, NEED I REMIND YOU THAT YOU ARE THE INQUISITOR! It is your duty to aid against the corruption of Thedas! You must STOP acting without thought of consequence to your life! It is your responsibility to act rationally for the better of all! While I hear your cause was just, it still does not excuse the fact that you acted ALONE and with such a decision almost DIED! From now on you WILL begin to act more like a RESPONSIBLE leader and THINK BEFORE YOU REACT! Now that I have said my peace and I am sure you now understand the severity of your situation I leave with this. I will hopefully be returning to Skyhold in a few months time, during that time I suggest you prepare yourself, for when I do your punishment for worrying me will not be swift. May the Maker guide your steps,

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