Chapter 18: Keeping Secrets

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Ellen made her way to her room feeling much lighter. She felt better after speaking with Cullen, he understood her. He knew the weight of war could be crushing on the soul, that every decision could lead to unforeseeable consequences. With her knowing he was able to get through his dark past gave her strength to get through hers. She started to walk past Fenris' room when she saw his door opened slightly. She peeked in, seeing him leaning against the hearth's mantle with his back to her when she stepped in quietly and shut the door. He heard the lock hitch and turned around to see her, bracing himself for a scolding. She walked up to him slowly, stopping just before him when she reached her hand out and gently caressed his cheek with her fingertips. He sighed at the feel of her touch and leaned into it when she pulled him to her, taking his lips. She kissed him tenderly, gently caressing her tongue with his. "Ar lath ma, Emma lath." She breathed between their soft kiss.

"Ar lath ma, Fea'mir." He whispered, pulling back slightly, pressing his forehead to hers. "I apologize for lying to you, I just wanted to-"

She pressed a finger to his lips, quieting him. "I am sorry." She whispered. "I have made you worry so much that you felt the need to keep something from me, for fear I might break beyond repair. I understand why you did it, I most likely would have done the same if I were you. Just please, don't ever lose faith in me, I will always come back to you, always." She smiled weakly, her eyes brimming with tears.

His heart swelled in his chest with the purest love he had ever felt. He crashed his lips into hers, trying so hard to relay what he was feeling when her tears fell to her cheeks, she knew. He so badly wanted to allow himself to fall into their heated desires, but he still had more he needed to tell her. He pulled away reluctantly, looking her in the eyes as pain pricked in his chest from the newly acquired memories of his past. "What is it Emma lath?" She asked, peering at him intently.

"Varric had found out from his contacts how I know of Morvain." He said, watching for her reaction, her eyes widened slightly but never wavered from his. "I was originally from Par Vollen, The Qunari infiltrated and took over long before I was born. Apparently Morvain had made his first enslavement there, but before he could get caught he fled south, bringing his prize with him." He looked down to the ground as the memories flashed through his mind once again. "An elven woman with her daughter and her son, with stark white hair." She gasped slightly, holding a hand to her mouth. "I was but six when he broke into our home, killing my father before us and dragged my mother and sister from the safety of our home kicking and screaming." He looked away, clenching his teeth. "I followed out of fear, even though they told me to run. Morvain is the one who sold me to Danarius, the one who forged the path I live on today."

"No." She said gently, turning his face to meet hers, her eyes filled with that determination he'd come to love and depend on. "He may have set you on this path, but you have fought and navigated through it yourself. Do not give him credit for anything that only you have sacrificed for Emma lath."

He leaned his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. "How have I lived this long without you?" He whispered.

"And I you." She smiled.

He curled his fingers in the hair at the base of her neck and pulled her head up to meet his, taking her lips. His kiss was rough, coming from every angle with wild hunger, making it difficult to breath. When his tongue grazed hers she let out a small moan, fueling his need for her even more. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he ran his hands down her curves, placing them at the back of her thighs, knowing what she will do next. With grace she lifted herself, wrapping her legs around his waist when he turned to make his way to the bed.

Every step sent his pelvis to brush against her core, causing him to shudder. She smiled into his lips, feeling the slightest jolt in his shoulders, she loved the way his body reacted to hers. With another step she swallowed a breathy moan that escaped his lungs, exciting her more. She began to roll her hips into his, methodically, masterfully, rubbing her core firmly against his hard length. She hit it just right when he broke away from her lips, releasing a deep growling moan into her chest.

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