Chapter 35: Trust

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"You there! Tilt your shield forward to deflect the magic! If that mage was being serious you'd be dead!" Cullen growled at a young recruit. Ellen stood beside him, scanning over the sea of men as they trained in the field just outside the gates. A steady snow fell gracefully from the grey casted sky, clinging to her black fur cloak. As she looked through the clouds of her heated breaths she spotted Fenris across the way, teaching the two handed warriors blocking techniques. He glanced at her before quickly turning his head, trying to avoid her watchful eyes. She sighed heavily, looking at the snow beneath her freshly wrapped feet. Cullen looked over to her, hearing her disgruntled. "Is everything all right Inquisitor?" He asked with his usual concern lingering in his tone.

She scoffed sarcastically, kicking at the freshly fallen snow. "Oh sure! It's just my stubborn, rage inflicted husband has been avoiding me for the past three days and so soon after our most recent reconciliation, but other than that I'm positively blooming."

Cullen chuckled, looking toward Fenris who was barking orders to those training under him. "He most certainly is stubborn I'll give him that, and here I thought no one could out do you in that category, Maker was I wrong." He laughed as Ellen playfully punched him in the arm when he smiled rubbing away the dull ache. "All joking aside Ellie, I believe you made the right decision and deep down I think he understands. If he didn't, I don't think he would be here, not to mention helping as much as he is. Tomlen has informed me that he is always the first out here to run drills and is always the last to leave, he's working harder than most."

Ellen sighed again, watching Fenris as he spoke with Dorian. As much as she appreciated Cullen's words of comfort she knew her husband. She knew he was still angry with her decision, she has felt the irritation and uncertainty that simmered through him the last few days. Though she believed his hard work was genuine, deep down she knew its main purpose was to keep him distracted. He didn't want to concentrate on the fact that in a few months time he would be left behind as she faced the man that nearly took everything from him...again.

Fenris stood tall facing his charges with Dorian at his side. "Since you all specialize with two handed weapons, you are left without shields. As such you will have no barrier of protection, making you easy targets for mages. So you will need to be quick. You must charge them, but be on your guard against ranged attacks. Get into groups, one mage against one warrior. I want to see if you have what it takes to live." He ordered. While they merged into their groups he glanced over at Ellen. He watched as the snow speckled along her golden hair, her flushed cold kissed cheeks, beckoning to be cupped in his hands.

He hardly breathed a word to her since their argument in the war room. It wasn't that he was still angry per se, but more that he was having a difficult time controlling the emotional repercussions from his visit to the Fade. He didn't want to put himself in a position to lie to her. He knew if she were to find out about his meeting with the dreaded wolf she would certainly leave him behind from sheer spite alone, even if the bond were cured. So, after weighing his options he figured he had little choice but to keep his distance even against the longing he held for her.

Dorian watched Fenris as he continually glanced over to Ellen with a love sick yearning in his eye when he heaved an exasperated sigh. "Makers mighty pecks Moody! Why don't you just go speak to her! She is your wife after all, I think your allowed." Fenris gazed at her, struggling to find words when Dorian huffed with a roll of his eyes. "Here, it's really simple, you walk up to her wearing those big sad puppy eyes you do so well and say, 'My dearest wife, I apologize for being such an ass. Forgive me.' See? Now you try."

"I do not have puppy eyes." Fenris growled.

"Sure you do! You do it so well in fact I'm almost certain if there were a contest between you and the real thing you'd get the treat and the poor creature would get a swift kick in the ass!" He bellowed.

It Takes a WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora