Chapter 29: Captured

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Cullen, Tomlen, and Bull stood side by side with their arms folded across their chests, assessing Fenris' attempts in training the new recruits. He was a harsh teacher, not in the way of words like Dorian, but more in the physicality of it. He believed, learning from hands on experience was the simplest and most effective way for results. Which in most cases turned into him humiliating them. He stood in the center of yet another five young recruits, slowly looking each one in the eye. "To be better you must do better, if you get knocked down you get back up and you continue to get back up no matter how much your body begs, for if you don't, you're dead. I am here to push you to that point, and push you I will. Now, you will all come at me at once, don't hold back, understood?" The recruits looked at each other nervously before giving him small reluctant nods.

"This is gonna be good." Bull snorted excitedly.

"Are we positive this is a good idea? He's already sent six men to the infirmary, perhaps I should..." Tomlen tried to plead for their sakes to Cullen.

Cullen untucked one of his hands folded across his chest, holding up a finger to quiet Tomlen. His head was tilted slightly, as he concentrated on Fenris with an analytical stare. "They will be fine Second Commander, Fenris may be a bit brutish in his tactics, but he's no murderer...well not unless your an enemy...then he'd slaughter them all as if he were enjoying a cup of tea, but I digress." Tomlen swallowed hard as he looked back to the recruits, silently praying to the Maker for their protection.

Fenris had his sword drawn, facing three of the wet nosed recruits. He could hear the light clattering of metal from the two standing behind him as they trembled with fear. The one in the center before him seemed the most confident. The others looked to be waiting for him to strike first. And just as he suspected, the boy raised his sword above his head while the others followed in unison. Fenris held up his great sword, blocking the three before him. At the same time he lifts his leg quickly to the boy behind him on his left, kicking him in the stomach causing him to fly to the ground on his back. One down.

The four that remained seemed to be gaining their confidence and began to swing their swords in rapid succession. Fenris welcomed the adrenaline that played through his veins, the thrill goading in his chest. He could feel a smirk tugging at his lips as he easily dodged their speed lacking blows, when one became to impulsive. The boy charged him at full speed with his sword straight out before him. Fenris pushed the other three back with a slash of his sword, allowing the boy to run right past them. As he ran pass Fenris held out his foot, causing the boy to trip face first into the dirt. Two down.

Fenris looked to them, shaking his head."Is this all you got? If so I suggest you run back to your mothers now." Two of the last three took offense and yelled at the top of their lungs, charging him with swords held high. He rolled his eyes and stepped forward, winding back his blade and swung with barely any strength behind it, knocking the swords right out their hands. As they watched their swords fly through the air he was upon them. "Your enemy is here!" He growled, placing a hand on each of their heads cracking them together. They fell to the ground, whimpering in pain as they cradled their ears. When he looked up from under his brow there was only one boy left, the one he thought held the most confidence. The boy looked around at his comrades that littered the yard, holding their aching bodies and groaning in pain. When he looked back to Fenris he shook his head vigorously and threw his sword to the ground. "Wise choice." Fenris spat.

He turned back to Cullen and the rest, growling with frustration. "This is a waste of time. These are not warriors, these are sniveling children in need of their mothers bosom." He huffed, pointing back at them on the ground with his sword. "If they are used to fight they will be slaughtered. Find another use for them or send them home and stop wasting my time." He bellowed, starting to take his leave when Cullen stepped in his path.

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