Chapter 17: Family Part 2

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Ellen cried long into the night before sleep finally came to her. Fenris remained awake, watching over her. Her head rested on his shoulder, her arms wrapped firmly around his waist as she breathed in with little stutter breaths. He could sense the desperation in her embrace, she was afraid and she had every right to be. He looked to the ceiling when Cullens words came to mind. 'This situation will change her, whether it be for the better or for the worst has yet to be determined, only time will tell.' He tightened his arms around her, no matter what he won't let this taint her, he'll make sure of it.

The sun began to rise, painting the room with an amber glow. He watched as the sun's light trailed down the walls when it casted lightly across her face. The skin around her eyes were still swollen from her weep full night. He gently ran his thumb across the vallaslin so intricately adorned across her cheekbone. He recalled Gallevorns story of the day she received them, she has always been so strong, she will get through this. As he assured himself Ellen's eyes started to flutter open when her head jerked forward quickly, looking around the room. When she saw him she relaxed instantly, sighing with relief.

"Good morning, Fea'mir." He said, kissing her ear.

"Good morning, Emma lath." She said, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. She pressed her lips firmly to his, checking to be sure he wasn't a dream. He could feel the fear in her kiss, the desperation in her hold. She was afraid to lose him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, cradling the back of her head in his hands, letting her know he will not leave her, ever. Once satisfied she broke away and leaned her forehead against his. "Ar ghilas vellathan. I prefer you stay close." She insisted.

"I will always be by your side." He declared with a passionate kiss.

After they took some time to wake up, they got up and got dressed. Ellen wanted to check on Dorian to be certain he was recovering adequately. They walked through the throne room when Fenris noticed Ellen was being unusually quiet. He peeked over at her, seeing her gaze ahead deep in thought. Her shoulders were slightly slumped as her arms rested at her sides, her fingers picking anxiously at her thumbs. He couldn't help but worry for her.

Ellen walked beside him silently, her mind battling with the possibility of loss, loss of her friends, her family, her love. In the back of her mind she always knew there was a chance, but the reality to be so abrupt, left her mind being infiltrated with uncertainty. She hated feeling this way, she felt weak and she couldn't be, there was too much at stake for her to allow this. Her chest was so tight she almost had to remind herself when to breath, her mind was a useless anxiety ridden puddle. She breathed in deeply, I am the leader of the Inquisition pull yourself together! She told herself over and over again, hoping to gain some clarity. When they arrived at the infirmary she forced her lungs to take a breath before opening the door.

Dorian sat in bed, leaning his back against the headboard. He was in his trousers with a thick bandage across his chest, covering his wound. When he heard them enter he looked up to them and smiled. "Ah! Finally, some company other than Bull. I swear if I was not already wounded I would be after one of his ridiculous rib breaking hugs." He huffed, adjusting himself slowly to get comfortable.

"How are you feeling mage?" Fenris smirked.

"Oh please! Could we stop with the mage stuff already? We all know you love me. I mean Maker's breath you brought me back from the dead, remember? The least you could do is call me by my name." Dorian insisted.

Fenris looked around the room awkwardly before looking back at him. "As you wish...D-Dorian." He stuttered uncomfortably.

Dorian squealed with excitement. "See? I'm feeling closer to you already, aren't you? Now how about a hug?" Dorian smiled, lifting his arms up to accept him.

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