*Chapter 30: Aiding the Tortured*

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Ellen was encompassed in a sea of pitch black. She could barely hear the faint sound of Fenris's pleas as they echoed further and further away. She fought desperately to wake, but she was too weak to open her eyes, too weak to move. The never ending darkness of the void held her prisoner, consuming any hope to be gained. The pain of the red lyrium still lingered in her veins as it continued to push through her body, latching onto her soul. Her mind started to whisper...this was the end.

Solas walked through the fade in search of hidden secrets when he felt a comforting presence. A smile tugged at his lips as he closed his eyes, concentrating on the familiar energy she always brought to the world of dreams. However this time it was different. His brows furrowed, feeling a shift of darkness accompanying her, like a disease spreading, trying to snuff out her brilliant light. Something is terribly wrong. His eyes sprung open and he began to sprint, following the energy to its source. The further he ventured through the Fade in search of her, the more prominent his fear for her became.

When he reached her a gasp escaped his lungs, she was lying on the cold ground, her body twitching erratically. He rushed to her, kneeling beside her as he looked around with panic. What is happening? He scooped her up in his arms, holding her tightly. "Vhenan, open your eyes! Tell me what is wrong, what is happening?" She remained still, her breathing was shallow, her heart barely beating. His eyes scanned over her wildly, trying desperately to figure out what caused her current state.

He shook her lightly, "Vhenan! Vhenan!" He called out to her frantically. Fenhedis! Where is the lyrium warrior? That fool said he would protect her! He placed a hand to her cheek, she was burning up. Did she fall ill? He hovered a hand over her head and closed his eyes, concentrating on her energy. A white light left his hands, attaching to her aura when suddenly it turned red and pushed him out. He gasped, looking down on her with utter shock and disbelief. She's been tainted with...the blight? His heart seized in his chest. How could this happen?

He pulled her to his chest tightly, running his fingers through her hair. I must help her, or she will die. The thought pierced his chest, he wouldn't let that happen, he couldn't. He thought carefully, sifting through every bit of knowledge he had at his disposal. Suddenly his eyes widened, coming up with an idea. He leaned in to her ear, his finger tips softly caressing her cheek. "It will be alright, Vhenan." He whispered. He pulled her to his chest, closing his eyes, concentrating all his energy to his core. He looked down on her one last time with sorrow in his eyes. "I will always be here, Vhenan." He said, kissing her forehead, casting a bright white light as he transferred but a piece of his energy to her.

Fenris shook as he pulled desperately on his aching wrists, trying to get to her. He begged, pleaded for her to look at him, to say something to him. He needed her to show him that she was okay, that she was going to make it, but she didn't. She laid on the cold stone floor, looking at him with vacant eyes. The only reason he hadn't plummeted into complete despair was their bond. He could feel the slightest ray of light holding on for dear life. "Fea'mir please, please look at me. I need you to look at me, please. D...don't leave me. Please. You promised." He whispered weakly, choking back the sorrow and grief that pushed against him.

Morvain had ordered a lackey to bind her to the chair before him, sending him into another fit of rage. He thrashed around violently, screaming through gritted teeth. "Don't you touch her! Don't you fucking-I will kill you, I swear to the Maker I will kill all of you!" His markings flashed vividly, but they were no longer the blueish hue they once were. He looked down, startled by the mysterious change. The intricate details across his skin now glowed a deep crimson, illuminating an eerie glow around the dimly lit room. However, that wasn't the only change, he felt stronger, more angry, more frightened, everything was...more. When the lackey finished tying Ellen to the chair he left the room, leaving them alone. Fenris looked to her, wondering if she could feel it to, the intensity flushing through their veins. What is happening?

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