Chapter 26: Bound by Soul

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Ellen awoke to a handmaiden placing a tray of fruit on her bedside table. She sat up lazily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes when she noticed a letter accompanying her breakfast. "Who is this from?" She asked.

    "I don't know my Lady, it arrived by raven this morning." The maiden said, picking up the dresses from the floor.

    She took the letter from the tray and flipped it over, spotting the Seekers seal. Oh great, what have I done now, she thought as she opened the letter with a heavy sigh and began to read.

Dear Inquisitor,

Varric had informed me of your wonderful and yet surprising news. And while I wished I had heard it from your mouth instead, I would like to take this time to congratulate your on this special, momentous occasion. Though I do not know this 'Fenris' I trust you know what is best for you as well as your happiness. I write this letter to tell you, no matter what dangers you face, love is a strength unmatched and will see you through any obstacle. So cherish it my friend, for none I know is as deserving of it than you.

May the Maker bless you both in your journey to come,


Also, just so you know, this does not excuse you of the punishment I had promised.

    Ellen smiled, shaking her head as she folded the letter in her lap. She reached over and plucked a berry from the tray, popping it in her mouth with a happy sigh, feeling the excitement of her day beginning to bubble in her chest. She began to think of what Fenris and Cassandra's first meeting would be like. With what she knew of them both she was positive it would be nothing short of entertaining, possibly even violent. Her heart swelled with warmth at the thought of Fenris. She wondered what he was doing, if he was thinking of her. She looked beside her when a slight ache seeped into her, she missed him, it was strange waking without him by her side. She wished there was a way to see him, but she knew for sure Sera and Josephine would stop her, perhaps she would try anyway. She looked down at Cassandra's letter in her lap when an idea crossed her mind. With her decision made she smiled widely and jumped from her bed.   

    Fenris woke, placing his hand beside him expecting to feel the warmth of Ellen's body, but instead was greeted with cold emptiness. Still half asleep he lurched forward in a panic. He rubbed his face roughly, trying to wake when the sudden realization of why she wasn't there hit him. He sighed, falling back onto his bedroll as longing pricked in his chest. He missed her. He closed his eyes, picturing her smiling face before him, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to hold her, touch her, he needed to see her. He knew the others would try and stop him so he decided to sneak away and be back before they could even realize he was gone. He leaned forward, glancing around the tent to make sure everyone was still asleep when he got up quietly and tiptoed to the tent flap, slipping out unnoticed.

    Once outside his eyes floated up to the morning sky, it was just breaking dawn. The sky was splayed with rich violet and orange hues, the air was cool and crisp. It was a perfect autumn morning. He took a deep breath, soaking everything in, today was special, one he would never forget. He felt his chest full with so many emotions, love, happiness, but above all he was thankful. He still couldn't believe he was going to marry the love of his life, that they were going to share the rest of their lives together. He feared the possibility of this all being a dream, that one day he would wake up. Pushing that thought from his mind he turned toward Skyhold. "Where do you think you're going lethallin?" Alarmed, he turned quickly to see Gallevorn sitting in a chair by a small fire, sharpening his blade.

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