Chapter 3: Bargain

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Fenris may come off as a cold, emotionless man, but he knew how to read people, and read them well. He followed close behind Ellenwen as she walked him silently to his new quarters. He knew something had happened back there, the look in her eyes they said it all; hurt, frustration, desperation, feelings he knew all too well. She looked as if the life was being sucked out of her, only for her to immediately jump back to complete normalcy, it was bizarre. He couldn't help but want to know more about her.

He knew she was a mage, that alone used to be enough to tell him not to trust her, ever. He looked down at the red scarf tied to his right wrist, remembering what Hawke tried for so long to instill in him. She was the first to show him not all mages were evil abominations that vied for power. He still struggled with it, but he always tried to be more understanding for her sake. With his mind made up, he decided to speak. "So, how did you become the Inquisitor?"

She smiled at his question, "Oh? You mean Varric didn't tell you how a Dalish elf went from prisoner to Inquisitor?"

"No, not that I would be so inclined to believe a word of it if he did. He tends to...over flourish."

She nodded releasing a light chuckle, "It's a long story."

"Well, since my job is going to be to protect you, it only makes sense to get to know more of one another, build mutual trust."

"Trust..." she said pondering the word briefly. Given how cold and distant he always seemed to appear she didn't think he was capable of such a task. Deciding to give him a chance she thought of where to begin. "All right, but I can assure you it won't be as colorful as Varric's version." She warned. "My origin is Clan Lavellan of the Dalish. Do you know of them?"

"Not much, I know they stay scarce and keep to the forests."

"Yes, that is partially true. More importantly we devote our lives to protecting what little knowledge we hold left of our people from the time of ancient Arlathan." She said confidently. "We generally avoid other races unless in need of trade. When the Breech opened destroying the Conclave, I was sent by my clan's Keeper to investigate. I was the strongest and most skilled,it should have been an easy task, but nothing could prepare me for what I was walking into."

She heaved a heavy sigh, "When I entered the Conclave I walked in on Corypheus or The Elder One he took to calling himself, torturing Divine Justinia. He had an orb that held unimaginable power. When Divine Justinia saw me in the midst of the chaos she kicked the orb from his grasp and told me to take it and warn the others. So I did. Yet, when I touched the orb there was a flash of light and I was sent to The Fade in physical form. Absolutely panicked I looked for a way back, when I saw an opening at the top of a cliff. Being chased by fear demons I rushed to climb to the surface when Divine Justinia reached out to me. Before we could make it out the Divine was...snatched by demons."

She paused, looking down to the ground with defeat. "there was...nothing I could do. When I went through the rift I fell back into this world unconscious with the power of the anchor in my hand. When I awoke I was bound in a cell at Haven being interrogated by Cassandra. They all believed I was the one who killed Divine Justinia and destroyed the Conclave by opening the Breech. When they decided to transport me for judgement another rift had opened releasing hoards of demons." She looked down, caressing her left hand with her right. "Someone...very wise showed me how to use the power of the anchor, that the orb had given me, to close it, and that's how it all began." She said smiling as she finished.

He listened to her intently, amazed at how much she had accomplished against all odds. Just when he thought he couldn't be more impressed, he was proven wrong. "So, here we are." She said stretching out her hand revealing the door to his chambers.

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