Chapter 8: Blame

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They all returned to Skyhold and went about their normal lives, except it was anything but. It had been two weeks since the mission and Ellenwen hadn't left her room since their return. Cullen would question the chambermaid every time she left her room to bring her meals. She informed him she never breathed a word to her, she was always either pacing around the room restlessly or sleeping. Worried for her, he sent Dorian to try and speak to her only to be told to leave before he could even knock on the door. Varric tried as well, but his attempt ended with the same result.

    With each passing day Fenris grew more and more irritated with her sulking, especially since he felt she had no right to. Since their return he checked on Sera daily to see how she was recovering. She was unconscious the entire trip back to Skyhold, waking just as they passed the front gates. She seemed fine, given that she was still her typical obnoxious self. "Stop checking on me you broody tit! I'm fine! Take your broody elfy ass elsewhere!" She would yell every time he visited. He would never admit it, but she was kind of growing on him.

    Bull couldn't stop going on about how the Inquisitor took on a high dragon single handedly. After the second or third time he heard Varric tell the story Fenris would leave the room, it just made him more angry. What is everyone's problem? They should be angry with her, not celebrating her! She almost got her people killed! Fenris was lost in thought as he left the tavern to go to his room.

     He trudged through the throne room when he bumped into Varric. "Hey Broody, Have you gone to see Ellie?"

    "No." He huffed.

    "Yea well, she probably wouldn't see you anyway, Dorian and I have tried every day since we got back, but she just barks at us to leave her be. The chambermaid said she was sleeping a lot, I hope she's just super tired from fighting the damn dragon and not looking for Chuckles. I mean, she hasn't even checked on Sera since she's woken up. This isn't like her." Varric said, concerned.

    And like that, Fenris snapped. The constant building from her selfish neglect the past few weeks finally sent him over the edge. These people respect her, fight for her, call her friend, and how does she repay them? With ill spoken words and blatant disrespect. No, he wouldn't allow it any longer. He walked away from Varric without so much as a word. "Where are you going?" Varric called out to him, but he didn't answer, he was determined to make her answer for her behavior, her recklessness that almost cost her two people, for Hawke.

    He marched through the throne room, only steps from her door when he passed Dorian. "I wouldn't-" Dorian began to say when Fenris kicked open the door and slammed it shut in his face. He ran up the stairs when he saw Ellenwen sitting on her bed.

    She heard the commotion and turned to see him standing at the top of the stairs. She glared at him, annoyed for him entering without permission. "I do not wish to spe-"

    "SILENCE! You WILL listen to what I have to say, Herald or not I will be heard!" He shouted angrily. Her hard facade faded for just a moment, displaying shock from his sudden outburst before anger resurfaced once more. She glowered at him, folding her arms across her chest, but allowed him to speak.

    "You are supposed to be the Inquisitor, a leader!" He declared.

    "I am well aware of my role Fenris!" She hissed.

     "Are you sure about that? I am no leader Lady Inquisitor, but even I seem to recall that good leaders hold the wellbeing of others above themselves! Do you understand that Sera almost died? Yet you never once checked to see how she was recovering! Not to mention you almost killed Bull when you electrocuted that damn dragon! Is this how you treat those you call family?"

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