Chapter 19: Val Royeaux

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They had been on the road for a week and to Ellen's surprise everyone seemed more serious, more on edge than the last trip. But then again this trip wasn't about fun and relaxation, this trip was about painting on esteemed faces, forging alliances, building an army, to play the game of nobility and win. This trip had a price and the price was high if they didn't succeed, there was the possibility of elven extinction and the end of the Inquisition. That weight was heavy, and it was wearing on everyone. On top of the weight of duty Fenris and Ellen had been separated the entire trip. At night Josephine and Ellen would share a tent while the boys shared the other, putting Fenris in a rather vile mood, to which he took out on Dorian primarily. Ellen feared Fenris' outbursts would cause Cullen to suspect something, but he just assumed it to be the norm.

The days passed like any other, riding horseback from dawn till dusk when they would stop to make camp and Cullen would tell stories of his days as a Templar. Everyone groaned as he began, fighting to stay awake from hearing yet another of his tales for the half dozenth time. When they would retire for the evening Fenris and Ellen would lie awake, missing the warmth of the other, praying for the trip to end quicker than it began. As they woke from another night of restless sleep they had breakfast, packed up camp and got back on course. Cullen and Josephine were very goal minded individuals, they didn't speak much unless it was about the task at hand. Fenris and Ellen would barely speak to each other for fear of Cullen finding out about them, leaving Dorian to keep himself entertained. And with the majority of the time spent in prolonged silence, he was becoming rather antsy.

Dorian sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes to the sky. "Someone please tell me we're almost there, if Moody Broody doesn't kill me first I'm most certain to die of boredom." Everyone ignored his childish complaints, continuing to look ahead. "Maker however shall I endure this horror. Someone fetch me a fainting couch!" He whined, draping his hand to his forehead.

"Maker's breath Dorian, are you a child?" Cullen chided.

"I most certainly am not, I just have a certain degree of necessity when it comes to entertainment. Which happens to be utterly depleted at the moment Commander, where is your humanity? " Dorian pleaded.

"That is just another way of saying someone needs to keep you occupied, like a child." Fenris chimed in.

Cullen laughed loudly as Dorian snapped his head toward Fenris with a scowl. "You sir are a complete ass. You have been extremely moody this entire trip and frankly I'm growing tired of it. If I talk too much, you brood. If I ride to close to you, you brood. I'm pretty sure as I live and breath you are brooding about it!" Dorian snapped.

"Well, you are not wrong." Fenris replied with a wry smile.

"I must say, you most certainly live up to Varric's nickname for you, that's for sure." Dorian huffed, crossing his arms.

Cullen laughed at the sight of them bickering. "No worries everyone, we will reach Val Royeaux before nightfall and will be able to enjoy fresh beds for one night, and tomorrow we should arrive at the Winter Palace." Cullen said thankfully.

"Bless Andraste's flaming ass!" Dorian shouted, clapping his hands.

Given the conversation Ellen found an opportunity to have an unsuspicious conversation of her own when she looked to Fenris. "Have you ever been to Val Royeaux Fenris?" She asked curiously with a grin.

Fenris looked to her, his eyes sparkling at the sound of her voice being directed to him. "No Lady Inquisitor, I have not." He said, yearning to hear her voice again.

"Well, you're in for a treat. Leliana had told me before my first visit that unlike other cities, where the people are the life-blood and the character, Val Royeaux is her own person, and her people are little more than decorations. There is always music in Val Royeaux, streaming from the many windows--quiet refrains and triumphant choruses and always, floating above that all, the chanting, coming from the Grand Cathedral." She recalled. "I didn't believe such a place could exist, but when I saw it for the first time it was beautiful, mesmerizing even."

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