Chapter 5: The Mission

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Everyone had quickly assembled to the war room. Surrounding the table they all waited in anticipation for King Alistair to speak. He leaned over the map, his eyes scaling across Ferelden, his home. Looking up from under his brow he glanced over every member in the room before landing on Ellenwen. "Now that we have all gathered it is time for me to reveal why I am here." Everyone waited with bated breath, watching as he pushed off the table, standing tall as he continued. "I am here to give the Inquisition its next mission. My scouts have had sightings of a high dragon terrorizing villages southeast of the Hinterlands." He said pointing to the area on the map. Suddenly, without warning, a voice boomed through the room.

"FUCK YEAAAA!" Iron bull shouted, clapping his hands together, unable to contain his excitement.

"Makers ass! You damn near gave me a heart attack you over-sized buffoon! Dorian rebuked.

"Sorry Kadan, it's just, it's a fucking high dragon! You know how much I like dragons!"

"I don't care if it's Andraste's virtue falling from the sky. You need to learn to control your beast like behavior in the presence of the King!" Dorian scolded.

"As I was saying!" Alister piped in when Dorian and Bull silenced themselves and looked back at the map. "The beast has already destroyed half a dozen villages, the survivors have fled north to Ferelden. We have kept them safe for now, but with more refugees pouring in by the day it is becoming difficult. Due to the Orlesian threat at our heels our resources are being stretched thin, therefore this needs to be handled as quickly as possible. So, since the Inquisition is known for being some of the best dragon slayers in all of Thedas I give this mission to you Inquisitor. Will you accept it?" Alistair asked Ellenwen.

Ellenwen bowed her head slightly, "Of course, your Highness, we will leave the morning after next. I will bring Fenris, Dorian, Iron bull, Sera and Varric, everyone agree?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

Alistair smiled, "I knew this was a good idea! Well, actually it was the Queens idea, I thought we could do it ourselves, you know, poking things with sharp pointy objects till they get angry and try to eat you." He said as he looked up with a reminiscent smile, letting out a heavy sigh, "Aah...the good ol' days."

With the conclusion of the meeting Josephine informed everyone that dinner would be ready shortly. Ellenwen decided to take the time to go to her room and freshen up. When she got to her room, Fenris stood in the doorway while she went to her dressing mirror. She let down her hair and allowed it to cascade down her back, stopping just above her tail bone. Fenris stared in awe, feeling the tiniest flutter in the pit of his stomach. He shook his head and turned away from her and looked around her room. "So, a high dragon?" He asked, desperately trying to find something to ease the awkward feeling.

"Yes, so it seems. Have you ever slain a high dragon before?" She asked, taking the hair above each ear and braiding it and finally pinning it back, leaving the rest to fall on her shoulders.

"No, I have only killed mature dragons before and dragonlings, much smaller I'm sure." He said, turning back to face her when he froze, his mouth opened slightly. She was...stunning. She had changed into a black fitted tunic, the contrast against her pale skin made her look...luminescent. Her pale golden hair draped over her shoulders like a satin veil, her eyes sparkling like vibrant sapphires lit by the glow of the moon. They held such depth, he could easily lose himself in them.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked, gliding her hand quickly over her cheeks, checking for anything that stood out.

"No, I just...have never seen your hair down before. It looks...different." He spurted awkwardly.

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