Chapter 32

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It's a pain, but we make it work. I love him so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Holy shit...

***Trent's POV***

As Ella walked way from me I could tell she had something on her mind. I followed her, helping her with the groceries.

"You ok babe?" I asked

"Hmm oh, yeah I'm good" she smiled. I give her a are you sure look. "I promise"

"Ok" I said, but I truly didn't believe her. But I'm not gonna push at it. Last time I did that we had an hour long fight. Whatever that was about.

"Wanna watch a movie in my room Tonight?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, me and Izz we're gonna do a girl night. How about tomorrow?"

"Of course" I kissed her on her head.

"Sounds like a plan" she smiles

I just love her smile, she gets cute little dimples. There uneven, but it's the flaws I love the most. Especially if it's about her.

"Ella, Trent" someone calls out our names.

I look to the hallway to see my mom and hers. "Let's talk outside" My mom says.

"Ok" Ella smiles. We follow our moms outside to the patio. I follow with a loud groan knowing we're probably going to have a long conversation that's not needed.

"Have a sit" My mom say. Me and Ella sit across from them.

"Now, you've both grown into wonderful, responsible teenagers." Ella's mom says.

"But.. we need to go over some things.." my mom says trailing off. Giving me anxiety that is not needed.

Oh boy...

"We just want to make sure safe. As much as we want grandchildren. Your not ready." My mom says

"MOM!" I yell embarrassed little bit that we Actually are having this conversation.

"Trent, we need to make sure, I know you don't like talking about this kind of stuff but your only 18. This does make you in adult but your still way to young." She replies.

"Yeah but we do not need this.. just ask if we're safe." I roll my eyes at this not needed conversation.

"Ella, Darling, you are being safe right?" Her mom asked her.

"Mom! We haven't even done that. 1. Eww. 2. We're not dumb. 3. We haven't even dated that long yet. 4. I'm a Virgin. So easy Tiger." She replies a little sassy for her moms liking.

"Ella. Watch your Tone with me young lady. We just want you to be careful that's all." She somewhat replies with a harden tone.

"Trent, if you need thing, don't hesitate to ask us." My mom cuts in. "You too Ella. We can put you on birth-control"

"Mom!" Yell, knowing Ella's uncomfortable. I mean who wouldn't. "Leave her alone, your scaring her!"

"I didn't mean to." She shrugged

I look over at Ella to see her face has anxiety written all over it. I pick up one of her hands off her lap. I held it in my own.

She looked up at me and gave me a halfhearted smile. I started making circles with my thumb on the back of her hand. To let her know I was here.

"Just, if you think your gonna start, please let one of us know." Her mom said.

"Ok" I said answering for both of us. wanting this to end as soon as possible.

"Alright then enjoy the rest of the day" my mom said getting up.

"I better start some dinner then." Her mom said standing up.

"I'll help" my mom replied walking off with her talking about dinner. Leaving the go of us.

"I don't wanna be a teen mom" Ella said randomly. Which surprised me. Not that I'm saying I'm surprise about being a teen mom, heck I don't wanna be a teen dad. I'm surprised that she said it at the moment. So I was a little taken back.

"What?" I ask

"I'm not saying I'm like wanting to have sex or have not kids. I just don't want to right now ya know?"

"Ella, I'm not gonna pressure into anything. Heck we don't ever have to. I'm not ready either."

"It's just all so new."

"I know"

"But, do you want kids?" She asked me as if it was the most hardest thing to say.

"Maybe one day." I shrugged. She just nodded her head.

"I don't know yet, being in a gang is not that easy let alone being a leader. Trying a balance out having a family and being a boss is hard." I continue on.

"So you don't wanna get married one day?" She asked

I turn to her and look her in the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. And say "If I ever get married it'll be because I love her so much more than anything in the world and I know she can take on the stress and hard work of being in a gang."

She gave me a big smile, as if she knows I'm taking about her.

Which I was. I love her more then anything in this world. She's my light, my joy, and my soul. She has no idea what she means to me.

If this is love at first sight, heck it can't get any better. And I'm totally all for it.

The moment we made eye contact. I pulled in her and kissed her. The Kiss wasn't ruff or hard. It was more of a passionate and soft slow kiss.

It want like any of the ones I've had before, but I'm always learning new things with her.

I grab her thighs and pulled her on top on me, so we weren't twisting our body that will hurt later on.

She put her legs on either side of me straddling me. I moved one of my hands up to her face and held her warm check.

When we kissed. My whole face was covered in Sparks. Warm and fuzzy feelings surround in my stomach. Making butterflies irrupt everywhere.

Who knew kissing felt so good?
It's a short one but it's better then nothing🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

Anyways, Have a great day or night🤷🏼‍♀️ when ever your reading this.

Love Hannah ❤️🥰😍💋😻😊

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