Chapter 15 (part 2)

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"Well I've had this planned for awhile now, but I'm not gonna stop your fun how about you two go?" He said

"Sure!!" Zach Said

"Cool!" I said "Well have fun on your 'Date'." I air quoted

"I will" He winked.

Only if I knew what was gonna happen that night.

***Trent POV***

Me and Zach decided to get ready at my house. So that's where we are right now.

"Trent hurry up man!!" Zach yelled.

"Coming" I yelled

I look in the mirror one last time.
My outfit was pretty simple. I look hot.

I walked out of my room to find Zach in the garage

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I walked out of my room to find Zach in the garage. We got into my car and drove off.

When we got to the club, I parked in my parking spot. Yes I have my own parking spot, but that's what you get when our uncle owns the place.

All of a sudden a White Lamborghini pulls in, everyone was in awe, even me. The car parted and two legs popped out in either side.

When the two stepped out, I went into shock. She looked so beautiful, like holy shit!!


I watch her walk right in, the guy didn't even stop them.

This is gonna be a fun night...

I've been watch Ella all night. Zach was dancing with some girl, while I was at the bar. She was dancing with her friend and two guys. I knew the guys.

Jacob and Liam...

There two f*ck boys in The Dragon (Zach's dad gang) I hated them. But I can't just walk up to her. What would I say?

'Hey, saw you dancing with the two fuck boys, want a drink?'

Now her and her friend are walking over here I turned around hoping she didn't see me.

Luckily she walked over a little ways. You know what I'm just gonna go up to her and say hi!

I started walking over when Zach came to me.

"Hey man!" He hit me lightly on my shoulder.

"Hey" I said while looking to see if Ella still there.

"Dude I'm right here not behind myself" he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry I'm looking for some-" I found her and started walking to her.

"While thanks! Good talk!" Zach yelled.

I walked right behind her and said "Ella?

She turned around and was shocked. God she looked so hot but I'll never tell her that.

"Trent?" She asked shocked

"Hey" I scratched my Neck. I looked at her friend. "I don't think we've meet, I'm Trent." I put my hand out.

"Yeah I know" she shook down my hand.

"And you are?"

"This is my best friend Izzy." Ella said

"Nice to meet ya"

"Wish I could say the same" Ouch! "Ella I'm gonna go dance now"

"Bye" Ella replied. She looked back at me, I sat down next to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Well my uncle owns the place so.. why not?" I asked

"Ahh, makes sense"

"What does that mean!?" I asked shocked and hurt.

"Oh nothing" she waved it off

"Wanna dance then?" I asked

"Why not, but after my drink." She shrugged


We made small talk for the time being. Just about Random things. We ordered more drinks and finally decided to dance. And let me tell you she's the best dancer I've ever danced with.

Wtf is wrong with me? Why I'm a acting like this?

I've never felt like this before. I don't what this feeling is.

A couple drinks and songs later we sat down to catch our breath.

"What time is it?" She asked. I pulled out my phone.

"It is 12:56"

"Oh shit!" She pulled out her phone. She called someone.

"Omg Izzy where are you!?" She almost yelled.

"You could have texted me!.... still I would have brought you home!... now what am I gonna do?... oh yeah I forgot about that!.. okay, bye" she hung up

"Sorry about that"

"Don't worry about it" I waved it off. "If you don't mind me asking but what happened?"

"Izzy threw up so she got a texi home."


"Well I think I'm gonna go... I'll see ya later" she started to walk off.



"Where are you going? It's like an hour drive home and it's late."

"I'm staying in a hotel don't worry."

"Oh, which one?"

"The one across the street"

"Dont your parents own that?"

"Yeah why?"

"Do they know your here?"

"No.. shit..." she whispered

Suddenly I got an idea, but I don't think she gonna like it.

"I got an idea, I don't wanna drive home and you can't, what if I get is a hotel room in my name?" She sat and though about it for a while.

"Ok!" I was surprised.

"Ok then let's go!"

While there you go!! Hope you love I know it's not a lot but it's something🤷🏼‍♀️

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