Begin Again!

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Nandini POV

"Mom- Dad- Dadi! We missed you!"

I and Manik hugged them enthusiastically one by one who welcomed us with a bright smile. It feels too good to come back home to your family after a long time and seeing their smiling faces filled our heart with warmth, I realized how much I missed them. And to my utter shock l actually just confessed in the heat of the moment that this is now really my home officially and I have accepted them as my own family and the feel is just wondrous.

"How was your trip? Hope you both enjoyed." Mom asked with a teasing smile while we all are entering inside.

"So should I assume that there is the chances of my great grand child?" This time it was Dadi who asked staring at me pointedly with her hand cupping my stomach to my surprise. I hide my red blushing face to my mother in law neck who was walking right beside me and just laughed.

Of course,there ain't a single chance of a baby right now and its never even crossed my mind once but the thought of bearing Manik's child one day in my womb and Dadi's hand on my tummy and her hinting expression was enough to overwhelm me. If only...

"Come on Dadi!" Manik exasperated with a sigh rolling his eyes. "We are still young and just married!"

"Really, young and just married?" Dadi snapped hooking her hands on her wide hips looking really intimidating in one of her blue elegant maxi dress. "Remember I got married to your grandpa when I was just 19 and I got pregnant just after one month of my marri...."

Dadi started yelling but Manik interrupted on top of his voice pulling me away to our room with him. "Okay Dadi too much information!"

We all bursted into laugh but Dadi's face was burnig red with annoyance and frustration on her favorite grandson who looks least bothered about it and keep walking dragging me with him still laughing but one new arising issue started to bother me again.


How would I look?

Will I look good?

Will pregnancy suit me too?

What if Manik don't like kids?

Will I ever become pregnant?

I stared at my flat stomach, observing my still fit figure from every angle, dragging the side of my saree revealing my stomach into the mirror of the bathroom after finishing a refreshing bath.

Manik's and Dadi conversation left a huge effect on me. Right now I am craving for something that is next to impossible atleast for now and here a 24 year old married Virgin wishing for a baby unsure about her husband. Just Great! I think I really should stop over running my brain for once and all because it always gets me in trouble and pounding insecurities.


What about that woman? Wasn't she pregnant too when we first met, even after all the stress she was glowing like a thousands valt bulb but in Milan she was looking so pale and exhausted. And what was she even doing in Milan and how did she ended up there that too working for Manik's company.

And what happened to her baby? Did she deliver it safely? Did he not accepted her and the baby? But the way she was talking. What was her name again? Yes Meera!
It was really her or I got them mixed? But is it wasn't her than why she ran away from me so fast when she realized who I was and why she suddenly was looking so scared and nervous? What was she so scared about suddenly? That woman was so weird.


I was shocked to see that familiar face infront of me again. My fiance's betrayal. How can I forget this face, the person responsible for the day which was supposed to be the most happiest day of my life turned into my worst nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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