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Nandini POV


The ringing of my phone woke me up from my deep sleep that I finally received after crying myself to sleep till midnight. Now my head is throbbing with pain and feels heavy nevertheless ignoring the headache I grabbed my phone from the night stand to check the call from Alia, not feeling the mood to talk right now I declined the call and kept my phone back on night stand.

I lazily turn around to get up from the bed only to feel a heavy arm wrapped on my stomach. I sighed knowing my husband and turn around to face him. I stare at his handsome sleeping face without blinking sleeping so peacefully and completely unaware of my feelings. 

I don't remember when he came back but I'm sure it was after midnight and the thought of him roaming outside leaving me here alone on a cold bed punched me in the guts. I don't know how to read this man or if he really feels something for me? Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one in this relationship and Manik doesn't have to do anything with it.

The biggest embarrassment for a woman is the rejection from her own husband because she always have been taught her whole life that she is meant to be for someone, someone who will love her and accept her with all his heart.

Perhaps, so many people nowadays think arrange marriages are failure because its forced decision and that's why so many times arrange marriages fail. However I contradict this claim. Arrange marriage is common in India where the family chooses the partners for you and still gives you the choice to agree or deny.

Marriage is a beautiful union of two souls either its united by love marriage or arrange marriage. Marriage is a beautiful journey of two souls from strangers to friends then to lovers. We are ought to fall eventually in a marriage no matter what.Most of people thinks arrange marriages fail because they are forced on each other but the real truth of a failed marriage is when two souls never attempt to know each other or can't make each other fall for each other. Perhaps arrange marriages are decided by family but the journey to make each other fall for one another is in their own hand. And still if one can't make another one fall for each other it means one of them is actually incapable of love and incapable can't even survive even in love marriages if given the chance because this is their nature to ignore the beauty of it and the one who denys to see it always fails to understand it.

It works just like the garden adorn by our parents when we are kids we hate that garden as much as we love to play there because we are too stubborn and young to understand the beauty of it. We think its fun to play in garden because of space and lots of beautiful flowers to pluck from there not minding that the action will destroy the garden so that's why we hate it because we feel restricted but when we grow up we burgeon an affection to the same garden and its flowers we love the fresh air, peace and beauty it provides us and when an outsider or a child try to harm it we run to protect it because now we understand the real beauty of it and we started to genuinely take care of it the way it always have been taking care of us.

However my marriage with Manik doesn't settle with the cases I don't know why because I'm willing to give it a try and Manik was the one who stepped in it himself with his own choice then what's wrong with him now. And if he really doesn't want it then why don't tell me already.

"I hope you will help my this tension one day." I mumbled to a sleeping Manik blinking away the tears and leaned further to  kiss his forehead. But something instantly caught my attention. I stare at the spot on left side of Manik nape keenly, it was a dark red and long scratch mark.

Where was he last night and how did he get it?

I hastily pulled away the blanket from his torso to check for anymore familiar marks since he was already sleeping shirtless and I sighed in relief when I spotted none.

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