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Nandini POV

My life can't be more perfect than this past week. We have been happier than ever, no more insecurities, no more arguments; just us and our blooming cocoon of love, we are just busy in making each other happy these days, laughing, fooling around countries from countries, We already have visited many beautiful destination like Bali, Thiland, Maldives, Vegas , France. We both had so much fun and now we are traveling to our next and last destination; Italy.

Especially in all these journey I realized Manik's love for me, I realized finally how deeply he feels for me just the thought of him loving me feels my body with warmth like a sun in winter. I don't know why he isn't ready to take next level in our relationship. Honestly, I don't pry anymore and it has stopped bothering me the way it used to. Concretely, my respect for him has grown to a new level, learning how tough its for a man to control himself when he knows he can get 'it' easily if he wants,  I always notice him breaking into sweat, his skin flushes , jaw and fist clenched whenever I am teasing him or when he feels my desire for him. The reason must be rational enough if he has this much self control.

But its so much fun to tease him periodically, the way he glares me his gaze mixed with desire, annoyance, control, want;and the way he shudders, his beat fasten just by my mere touch and the nervous sweat breaking on his cold skin that's something I love to watch and it overwhemls me. I'm always testing his limits and its so much fun as much as a torture for both of us. I swear people will laugh their guts out if they will hear how we both want each other desperately yet not ready to take it to the next level.

"Ma'am we are about to land in 15 minutes, will you please let the master know?" The flight stewardess of our private jet approached me asking nicely with her beautiful smile.

"Sure!"I answered showing equally polite smile. I love one thing about this jet, the attendants are not your stereotype. They are as gentle and sweet as beautiful.

I stood up from my place to get to the cabin where Manik is sleeping peacefully without any care in the world because we woke up at 4 am to catch the jet. I was too sleepy to even change so I just took a quick shower and changed myself into one of Manik's red polo shirt; that I am stealing from him alot lately. They are just so comfortable and Manik's signature citric  fragrance makes it even more distinctive.

"Manik!" I called for his name softly opening the door to the cabin.

He was sprawled on the bed by his stomach shirtless and hairs looking mess but still the sight was breath hitching , the moment still and world goes blur around me.  I gulp leaning on the door frame and my lips stretched into a small smile, my fast pace beats suddenly are calm, I don't know what it is about him but seeing him so relaxed and carefree makes me feel at peace and my stiff body naturally losen up. Something flipped inside my womb and I wondered will I ever get tired of watching him like this without feeling giddy? I guess not.

"Manik?" I mumbled softly in his ear, half lying with my head on his back, ruffling his soft thick hairs. I know he loves it when I do this.

"hmm" He just moaned in response , lying even more relaxed.

"Manik we hardly have fifteen minutes, now get up." I whined this time and heard him huff in response before turning around.

Catching on his movement I got up from his back to give him space but was pulled back firmly to his hard chest again. His eyes were looking so sexy filled with little hint of sleep and the way they are staring at me I am already on fire, feeling the heat between my legs making me feel uncomfortable. So to make situation less awkward for me I tried to get up again but only to be clutched more firmly.

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