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Malhotra mansion in media box..

arden area

Living area

[Manik POV]

"Mom I'm telling you I dont want to come,please."actually, my parents has asked me to join them for a marrige ceremony of some middle class family in Manglore,but here I am adamant to not to attend marrige of a stranger I never met or heard of; but  all the excuses aside my exact reason is that I want to avoid this  middle class marrige at all cost because I've  heard somewhere its  totally a taboo; these are so hectic and exhausting.So here now I am trying my luck on my mom to spare me.

"Manik,I'm telling you one last time, you are coming with me thats final!"mom sternly snapped leaving no space for further argument.
Oh God! why mom has to be so stubbourn always? Oh yes! this is one of many traits I have inherited from my mom genes.

Well fine, I still won't give up. So I  started with my next excuse faking helplessness"ohkey! but what about office?I mean I cant leave my work for a whole week like that.Right?"
yeah, Its weird I know alright! I mean seriously? How stupid my parents can be, who takes a week off from work just to attend the marriage of an employee of the company? ONE WHOLE FUCKING WEEK! and we arn't even close to the relative thing.


"Oh my poor baby! Dont stress  yourself so much over this, Your father already have planned out everything." mom informed in her ever so sweet voice. But now I didn't see that coming so this was a bit shocking for me and who the fuck is this employ that my parents are so hell bent on to join the wedding and seem extremely excited and well prepared about it already.
"actually your father has installed a new industry there in Manglore...." Mom blasted another bomb by giving me the new information"So he will come day before sangeet but you are joining me because you have to look after that industry.He will handle everything here and you will scrutinize the installation there.''I am feeling like fool right now, being a C.E.O I actually wasnt aware of this new industry. So kicking away my thoughts aside I finally asked ''but mom why was I the only one who wasn't informed about this new undergoing industry?'' I asked stunned. ''because Mr Murthy was taking care of that factory and the construction was already started when you didn't even join the company.So your dad thought it had be better to tell you when it will be finished and now he want you to take care of it,You always have worked under  your fathers supervision even after taking his place in the company but now with this new industry you have to do it without him.Got it!'' mom filled in all the details in her tender voice and I ''hmmm''ed in response and zoned out thinking about my parents trust on me, so now I think I really should go. Because I never want to disappoint my parents ever.

I was in my thoughts when mom again started speaking "by the way Manik.... when are you going to settle down?" and again this nagging questions!

I sighed "mom please! let's not discuss this again"

"but why ?what is the problem in it? I mean dont you wanna marry and settle down with someone,someday in your life. Manik.. you are 26 now and a well known C.E.O now what's there more to wait?"She asked in amusement.

"mom!I am not saying that I will die a bachelor.Ofcourse i will settle down someday.'' I tried to make my mother understand my point.

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