Chapter 72

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Our beers clank together making a loud noise. I see Harry smile and it brings me joy. I'm glad he went through this night, he went through so much just to have it and now it's over. No more stressing out over this for him. He was so tense and frustrated before, and I'm glad that he won't be now.

I bring my cold beer to my lips, and the cold glass send a chill through my body.

Harry brings his fingers to his tie and pulls it off from around his neck, he un-buttons the first three revealing his chest. His bird tattoos peck out and I can't help but stare.

"Emily? Stop looking." Harry's warns but laughs at the end. My checks flush with embarrassment, I'm acting like I'm twelve talking to my crush.

" I should get going." I say standing up from the chair. I know if I do stay any longer than I already have this night will end with me in his bed.

"Please don't, I don't want to be alone." He says with his hand on my arm, making me stop. His eyes look up at mine, making my heart skip a beat.

"Please, I'm begging you. I'll even button up my shirt cause I know if you dress dipped low I would be losing my mind." He reveals and I smile a bit, I push my smile away before I talk.

"Emily?'' He ask and I blink back into reality.

"I'll stay." I say in a faint whisper. A smile appears on Harry's face and I sit down, again.

I take a sip of my beer as Harry does the same.

"My family loves you." He brings up, changing the subject.

"No they don't." I say and he breaks out into laughter.

"You kidding me, they are literally in love with you! They like you more than me!" He says and I feel stunned.

"Oh come on, they adore you Harry. They care about you so much." I say to him proving a point, Harry's family may like me but they can never like someone more than Harry. After five years of not talking to him they still will come around.

"Yeah, whatever. They think were getting married so they love you." He laughs and I join him, we have never talked about people marring people.

"She was joking." I defend.

"She was serious, she was hinting off to me to propose. She always hints things off on a 'jokingly way'. Like she thinks I actually want to get married." He scuffs and my heart for some odd reason breaks, into a million pieces it feels. Harry doesn't want to get married, like I see now. I would never want to marry him now or even in a year. I never thought about marring Harry, I never considered it. I won't waste my time on someone that doesn't want the same things as me.

"You will never get married?" I question wondering what he'll say.

"Why would I, it's pointless. All people do these days is either die, or get a divorce. Sometimes they end up killing eachother from hating eachother. Marriage kills the relationship. " He explains. How can someone think like this?

"What? No it does not! Marriage is for people that truly love each other. How can you just say you it's pointless?" My voice raises to him and my heart aches from what he said.

"I thought my parents really loved eachother and you see how that turns out. It all is a joke. Marriage sucks the love out of people." He says and my heart breaks more, a pain starts to form in my stomach. I hate how Harry thinks like this.

"They did, at the time. It made sense for them, but it won't always work out. It gets messy sometimes but not always. Some make it work." I say soft and shallow to Harry, I look up at his eyes trying  and I try to push back tears that I have no clue why are here. Why should I be caring so much how Harry thinks about marriage?

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