Chapter 40

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He walks back with a smile on his face. "Why did you do that?" I ask as he shoves his phone in his pocket.

"Do what, take that picture?" He says with a smile.

"Yeah!" I say, I'm happy he did it though, I didn't expect him to be so nice today and hangout with me. Let alone do things that I wanna do.

"Well, I wanted to." He says and I blush.

"Okay, we've been at this shitty art piece for too long let's go." He says, returning to the Harry I know. His fingers lace with mine and we walk away.

We walk past a bunch of stores, and buildings. I pass a few homeless people and give them a couple dollars. We walk past a lemonade stand, they look pretty good.

"Want some?" He asks walking over to the cart.

"Uh, sure." I say and stand behind him, he orders two. We watch them squeeze the lemon juice out into the cup. The man hands's them and we walk away.

We walk past the ice skating rink that people skate on in winter. "Have you ever been skating?" I ask as we walk past it.

"No." He says, not caring.

"Its fun, you should try it." I say looking at him, he stares down at his cup.

"Okay sure, I'll try it for you." He laughs.

"Okay good!" I laugh.

"I will take you here in winter and we will go skating." He says seriously.

"Okay promise?" I say sticking out my pinky.

"Your actually wanting to do a pinky promise?" He laughs.

"Yes, okay just do it." I laugh.

"Promise." He says and gives me a pinky promise.

"You know your shirt and shorts are all wet." He laughs looking at my boobs, and I realize how wet my clothes are.

"Yeah, its pretty bad." I laugh, I look at his plain black shirt. You can't tell that its wet cause its black. Unlike him I'm wearing white.

"This is why I wear black." He laughs and I join him.

"Well, and cause its easy and plain.'' He said.

"Easy and plain?" I laugh at him.

"Yeah its easy, I just buy a lot if the same and just wear that. Easy and plain. " He laughs.

"If that's what you want." I said.

We walk past a bunch of tall buildings, crowds are everywhere trying to get to places.

"This lemonade sucks." He says as I take a sip.

"No, its pretty good." I say as he throws his out.

"Its was like all water." He says.

"Mine isn't, he probably just doesn't like you." I laugh.

"Yeah he wouldn't stop staring at your boobs the whole time." He says, I didn't see him look there. That's disgusting having a lemonade guy looking at my boobs.

"Ew, he better not have." I say disgusted.

"I don't blame him." He says and I playfully hit him.

''No really, don't be ashamed by it." He says seriously.

I smile looking down.

"Wanna get some Italian ice?" He asks changing the subject.

"Sure." I say and we walk into the cold little store. There's a few people in here eating pizzia, they probably have food and Italian ice.

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