Chapter 51

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We walk into Harrys dorm and he locks the door. I go to my bag and pull out panties to put on. "I can't believe you did that, it was pretty sexy. I'm surprised." He says in his closet.

"Yeah, I was just in the mood. I didn't really care what happen." I say thinking about me on top of him.

"Yeah, I could tell. Wanna grab some food?" He asks walking out in his normal black skinny jeans with his plain black shirt.

"Yeah, sure." I say and adjust my leggings. I strap on my bra and pull a baggy hoodie on.

I grab my phone and put my shoes on. Harry puts on his brown boots he always wears, he slides on his leather black coat.

"Where do you wanna eat?" I ask looking up. He looks at me and moves his hair out if the way, I like it long and clustered.

"Wanna go to subway?" He asks.

"Yeah, that place is good." I say with a smile. I take out my comb and brush through my hair. It goes down strait from it being so wet. I loosely braid my hair and out it in the back. I leave no makeup on my face.

"Ready?" He asks sitting on his bed.

"Yeah, let's go." I say as he walks up to me and puts his hand in mine.

We walk to his car and I sit down. His hair is almost dry already, it looks darker than normal.

We drive off to subway, we walk in, there's a few people sitting down. A little kid and her mom are sitting at a table together. She's coloring in a coloring book. She looks up at me and smiles.

I walk in line and Harry follows. I get a six inch with ham. Harry gets a six inch turkey.

I get a cookie and a drink too, I grab us a seat and sit down.

"You look different." He says taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Probably cause I have no makeup on." I say.

"No, that's no it." He says, not breaking eye contact.

"Oh, weird." I say and eat my sandwich. Me and Harry finish up and we leave.

"Wanna go to my dorm?" I ask walking to his car.

"Sure, if you want." He says not wanting too. We always go to his dorm now and I haven't been to mine it seems forever but it's really only been a day.

"We have that date soon." He says pulling out, I forgot about that.

"Ya, I'm excited." I say with a smile, I wonder where were going.

We pull into campus and make out way to my dorm. We pull in and walk up the steps.

"What time is it?" I ask him not wanting to take my phone out of my bag.

"Twelve." He tells me. We walk up to my dorm to see Ashley is gone.

I lay on my bed as he lays next to me. He props himself up on one elbow, hovering over me. He gives me a soft kiss, he sets his other hand on my cheek kissing me again.

I hear his phone start to go off and he sighs releasing from the kiss.

"Take it in here." I tell him, he pulls out his phone and looks at me flustered.

"You sure?" He asks before swiping his phone.

"Yeah." I say shaking my head, he slides open his phone and puts his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He says to the phone. I hear talking but I can't make out the words the man says.

"Yeah, I want 55 chairs, black chairs." He says to the man. He hangs up the phone and puts it in the cup holder.

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