Chapter 33

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I walk over to Ashley, shes talking to Niall.

"So, what happen to Louis?" She asks brining her cup to her mouth.

"I'll tell you later." I say not wanting to explain right now.

The rest if the night went by fast, Me, Ashley, and Niall talked the whole time.

We ended up getting back at the dorms later than I thought. This night went way different then I expected. I finally ended things with Louis and whatever you want to call what's going on with Harry.

I change into pajamas and lay down on my bed. I hope I'm all good for my game tomorrow I have to be ready for this first game.

"Tell me what happen with Louis." She says putting her hair up in a high ponytail.

"Well, we basicly ended things. We yelled at each other, he was hurt by me not telling him. He will be good soon, than Harry came up to me." I explain, I see her face light up when I tell her that Harry walked up to me.

"Harry!" She exclaims.

"Well we yelled at each other, than we made out and talked about random stuff, you know he got a new tattoo." I explain.

"You guys made out again." She says with a smile.

"Yeah, I don't know what to call us." I honestly say. Me and Harry are confusing, were not right for each other.

"He asked me at the beginning of the party if you were here." She admits. I try to make the smile that's on my face disappear, why did I get so happy from that information.

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah, he seemed happy when I said yes."

"Wait, didn't he tell Louis about you two?" She asks, not remembering the full story I told her.

"Yeah, it's all good now." I explain.

"Well, you have your first game tomorrow get some sleep." She laughs.

"Okay!" I laugh.

I sleep in late, the game isn't until three so I have to get there around two.

"Wake up." Ashley says shaking me gently.

"I got you breakfast and coffee." She laughs and I sit up.

"Thanks." I say and dig in.

The coffee really wakes me up. The food taste good too. I like how she got me all healthy food while she has pancakes. Maybe she thought I would want that cause there's a game.

"It's twelve." She awnsers my thoughts, so I have an hour and fifteen minutes until I should get ready.

"Thanks." I say again and finish eating.

"Well I will see you playing!" She laughs while I walk out the door. I'm nervous for this game. My parents texted me saying they will be there. Which adds the nerves, my parents there make me happy, they wanted this for me more than anyone. When I got my acceptance letter they were so happy for me.

I walk over to the field and see everyone warming up.

"Hi!" Julia says to me while I walk into a line.

I notice the warm up drill where doing, its one of my favorites. The girls behind the net passes you the ball and you shoot with her on you. I guess I have always liked it cause of the shooting.

By the time I know it we are walking back on the field to start. I look at the somewhat crowded bleachers and see my parents. It feels good to see them again, they give me a friendly wave and I give then one back.

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