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Hello everyone? How is everything going ? Today something unusual just occurred  in our country that we thought will be based on peace and love and happiness but turned out  different in the end. Police and other members of aggressive leaders they have decided to kill everyone and to kill insist people they have never hurt anybody. However, many injuries occurred to poor people and citizens who are fighting against their own freedom and to fight against them because they have killed their best friends while they are fighting against their honor and dignity for making Sudan better.

Everything happened in Sudan was such a disaster condition for everyone who is been passing through their hard times wondering when our justice will happened. Why they are doing terrible things to citizens we don't deserve such things like that? What about those who fight and get through their own lives just to make Sudan better with sweet sugar things so this tragedy will be updated in the  history  book of the world.

Moreover, more punishment more death more injuries and more lost people are been gone some parents are so worried where they have been but they turned death bodies are thrown in the river but too bad bullets have been shot in the air half of the population are found dead.

Mostly 20 of girls are been raped and been treated in violence ways those happened by the military and policemen. Girls are among youngest and oldest who have got raped such a sad things.

Also they are also more death  are found in the location of al3tisam but they can't enter or go out because they are surrounded by police and other military.

Sudan was the part where everyone was having good life and good moments but they are trying to tears those memories into an awful history so it will be also  updated in the book of Sudan.

Near our house they are bullets people are screaming people are wondering why transportation have been stopped and also the most important thing was internet been completely not working so that people and citizens will not be able to update the news and the trending that happened in Sudan that's was such a horrible things for the police and military to do. Mostly others were killed in hospitals half of them spread their night in ramdan entering house of people they don't know until the country become less violent and less crime happened less safer.

We care about everyone we fight until we get what we desire those people who died from different ages and gender we will not stop we will fight and we will get back everyone who died against fighting for their own lives and freedoms.

More disappointed when there is no access for internet.  It's been 5 days there is no access for internet that's such a shame #تسقط_تالت
The worst thing about Sudan more death of people are been found about 108  and 256 injuries and others are been tied up with rock and thrown in the river.

Song 🌟❤️

Sudan 🇸🇩 was part where everything goes fine
Until military grab it like they don't give a  shit about it.
30 years of president being like fool with citizens and now he is  pretending like he didn't do crap for it.
Such a mess where everyone fighting and figuring out why  they do this  to us .
We don't need anything but we wants one thing we want peace and justice for those dies trying their best to make Sudan 🇸🇩 survive.
We are united so we will do our best to stay in patience from those who hurt us but turn out they keep lieing to us with their stupid lies and decisions

People dieing  children starving medicine is getting weaker after what we have done we are screaming out  from our lungs we don't ask for something big now they  turns down such a Shame for them they never understand meaning of Sudan.

بلدي عشنها ايام ما حلوه
ذنبهم  شنو الناس ماتو ضحو عشان بلدهم يكون احسن
سقطت ما سقطت سابنها
اليله ورونها تعملو شنو فينها
اليله ما حنسكت الا تجيبو حقنا
دي  الأرض لنا واقفين قدامكم ما نتحرك منها.

Citizen fight citizen cry for those who passed away.
And we can't hide the pain because it's leaving a scars that's we can't faid
We are not stepping back because this our world
Every word that's come out from my mouth we just want to be right
We are fighting just to make it Sudan bright 
But they making our Sudan to corrupt

Population decrease
Starving occurring
Diease happening
Killing us will not solve but lead to disaster of revaluation.

Sometimes we just need to  fight because there is only one person who knows our pain.
Is the one who created us the who knows what is right and wrong.
Everything we build was vanished by the wind.
They destroyed everything we hope now they balme us for disaster we made.
On my left side I hear gunshot, on my right side I feel people screaming wondering what will happen next.
Young girls been raped by demons and devils who control our country now they are best to forget about them.
حياتنا كلها كانت سعداء وحب
بعد ما مسكوه ناس الكيزان بقيت كلها حراب ودمار
الاهل والأولاد والصحاب دموعهم تسيل من شديدت الحزن والألم
فقدوا احبابون فقدو اصحابون  ليسها ماسكنها وبقتلو في أناس    شايفين نفسهم ما عملو حاجه وين السلمية وين الامان وين المدنيه.
الماتو عشان يحمون وطن عشان البلاد تبقي أفضل احسن ما يمسكو الناس العساكرين جيبلينا  يوم الفساد.
#تسقط_تالت ما نسكت لي حقنا لم نشوم الأمان قدام اعيونا 
شايفنا نحنا ما نعرف بين الصدق والكذب جاين هنا تورونا كلامك ما عندو معنى. وين السلام وين الراحه شيلوها مننا .

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