smile <3

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Sometimes you need to accept yourself even when u are doing mistake because without mistake you will not ever learn in your life I know a lot of people insult our grammar they sometimes they don't understand what u are talking about because they never tried to care because they don't love you and how I noticed right now she was hurting me so much the girl I have known for 5 years she been changing a lot days by days I want to know one thing why friends hurting me that much why shall I stop doing the things I love the most to do it for the in the end they never care about me they never loved me I always wanted to be loved by someone I want someone to show me that my book is actually good instead of blaming me saying :"I'm bad writer I don't deserve to write any book from now and forever they hurt me with harsh words I have ambition because I feel enjoyed and relaxed while writing this book I never thought fans will actually loved it I missed you beautiful memories was really good how a lot of them loved it .

Anyhow I forget to say about beautiful memories they all lived happily ever after and I will write soon about something similar to that book it's called: "Best friend love the same boy"

My diary talks about people who have depression.

(Major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. How to cure it or let say how to help yourself out by these steps:

"Get in a routine

"Set a goal something you actually want to do it so good

"Get Exercise

" Eat healthily

"Get enough of sleep

" Challenge negative thoughts.

" Take on responsibilities.

"Try to have fun.

I hope everyone does these things its will works if you need anything or you want me to talk about something comment below, please.

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