The sign of love (علامات الحب ♥)

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What's love?

Love is arguably the most powerful emotion, driving mothers to superhuman feats of strength to save their children, and teenagers to defy all logic and reason in order to be together. But it is also one of the most difficult emotions to explain. What it means to love someone has been debated by philosophers, poets, and scientists throughout the ages. At its essence, however, love can be broken down into three main components.

Romantic love begins with attraction, that indescribable feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you want to be with someone. If the attraction is solely physical in nature, however, it is lust rather than love. In true love, you genuinely enjoy the other person’s company. You miss him when he is not around. You think about her frequently, and look forward to your next meeting. You might be wildly different in many ways, but you have shared core values and beliefs about the world that make you compatible.

Another important component of the feeling associated with love is freedom. You take pride in each other’s accomplishments and are not threatened by each other’s success. Neither of you is jealous or clingy. You have faith in your love and its power to see you through the difficult times, and you feel confident and empowered rather than weak and afraid.

علامات الحب ♥ هي تأتي مرة واحدة في العمر واحيانا لا تأتي لان ليس العالم  مين  يحب الحقيقي واحدهم يحبون بعض الفتيات من اجسادهم.
ما معني الحب؟
الحب نوع من احساس جميل جدا يدفئ الجسم يعطيه المحبه والحنان. 😍💝

الحب ليس لهو الحديث او عبارة لكي اتحدث عنها من حب من قلبه دامت سعادة للابد، من حب احداً من عقليه لا  دامت سعادته. 😢
They always say Always love a person from the bottom of your heart but don't love someone when ur mind decided. "
علامة الحب هي علامات تسعد الناس ويبعده عن كل شيء يقلقه في الدنيا والآخرة. لان من حب شخص كانت حياته مبنيه علي سعادة، الاطمئنان، الفرح، حماية، تبعده عن الحزن والقلق.

انا عارفه انو في زول  جرب يحب كثير بس ليسه ما لقيتو اي زول او اي زوله  تحبكم بس الحياه ما وقفت ما معناه انو توقفوا حياتكم عشان ما في زول حباكم انا متاكده انو في زول حيبكم ويهتم فيكم اكثر ويعطيكم المحبه...

المحبه بتعطي الإيمان وبتفرد الشخص  يميل الشخص عند وقوعه بالحب للاعتقاد بأنّ الشخص الذي يحبه مميز ومختلف عن البقية، ويعود السبب وراء هذا الشعور؛ لارتفاع مستويات مادة الدوبامين في الدماغ المسؤولة عن الاهتمام والتركيز.

Try to love someone who makes you feel special and wanted don't love someone who treats you like you aren't value for his life and always be strong focus on your dream and life and stay happy 😭😍💝👑

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